Fr. Dr. Palathinkal Varghese

Area of Specialization: Canon Law

Contact : +91 9446222377

  • BTh. Paurastya Vidyapitham
  • Licentiate in Canon Law and Doctorate in Oriental Canon Law,
  • Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence
  • Institute of Oriental Canon Law, Dharmaram Vidya Kshethram, Bangalore
  • Secretary to the Bishop of Irinjalakuda and Vice-Chancellor
  • Judge of the Eaparchial Tribunal 1992-2013
  • Judge Major Archiepiscopal Tribunal 1994
  • Chancellor of the Eparchy 1999-2004
  • Judicial Vicar 2001- 2013
  • Rector, St. Paul’s Minor Seminary Irinjalakuda, 2010-2014
  • Parish priest: Moonnumury 2017.
  1. Consortium Totius Vitae: Essence and Form of Marital Relationship in the Malabar Church. Aluva, 1992.
  2. 'Marriage ' in Patriarchal and Matrimonial Legislations in the New Oriental Code, (co-Author), Aluva, 1992.
  3. “Sacredness of Canons in the New Oriental Code”, in Christian Orient, March 1992.
  4. ’'The Meaning and Relevance of 'Consortium Totius Vitae'’ in AA.VV. The Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: A Study and the Interpretation, Aluva 1992, pp.204-229.
  5. “Marital Consent of the Thomas Christians in the Indian Socio-Cultural Milieu”, In Eastern Legal Thought, 2002, pp. 97-115.
  6. “New Education Act and Minority Rights” in Eastern Legal Thought, 2006, pp.91-97.
  7. “New Insights in to the Canon in Capacity” in Eastern Legal Thought, 2009, pp.173-178.
  8. “Medicinal Aspects in the Canonical Process” in Kynanaya Light (ed.), Bangalore 2009, pp. 491-497.
Articles in Malayalam Language
  1. “സഭയ്ക്ക് എന്തിനാ ഭൗതിക വസ്തുക്കൾ ?” [Why temporal goods for Church), in Darsan Voice, Trichur, January 2014.
  2. “സഭാ ജിവിതത്തിൽ അല്മയരുടെ വിശിഷ്ട സ്ഥാനം”, [The special place of laity in ecclesial life], in Darsan Voice, February, 2014.
  3. അനുരഞ്ഞനവും വ്യവഹാരവും: സമദൂരമാണോ? സമന്തരമാണോ? [Reconciliation and trial…], in Darsan Vocie, March 2014.
  4. വിരോചിതമായ പുന്ന്യജീവിതം: അര്തവും പ്രസക്തിയും[Heroically holy life…], in Darsan Voice, April 2014.
  5. സംഘടിച്ച് ശക്തരാകുക: അവകാശങ്ങൾ സംരഷിക്കുക [Be United and be powerful: Protect the rights], in Darsan Voice, May 2014.
  6. കുഞ്ഞു ജനിച്ചില്ലെങ്കിൽ വിവാഹം ഇല്ലാതാകുമോ? [Whether marriage becomes null if child not born?], in Darsan Voice, July 2014.
  7. ദാമ്പത്യ സമർപ്പണവും കുടുംബഷെമവും, [The matrimonial commitment…] in Darsan Voice, August 2014.
  8. സഭാനിയമം [The Church laws…] in Darsan Voice, October 2014.