Biblical Prophets: Non Literary Prophets
The course aims at introducing the students of theology into the world of OT Prophets. Besides giving information about the features of OT prophecy, and the life, background, and theology of the Major and Minor
Prophets of Israel, the students are prepared through the analysis of certain prophetic texts to imbibe the spirit of Prophets so that they might meaningfully and prophetically dialogue with man and society. The following themes are discussed in this course: Prophecy in Ancient Near East and Prophecy in Israel; Basic texts for prophet and prophecy: Dent 18.15-22 (Ex 20.18-21); Num 11.10-30; Num 27.18-23; The Institution of Prophecy in Israel (18am 3). Prophetic personalities in Historical Books: Abraham and Moses; Samuel. Nathan. Elijah and Elisha; Prophetic groups.
Classical Prophets
The course aims at introducing the students the classical prophetess of OT Prophets. This course includes the discussion on classical prophets in general; Important themes of Minor Prophets; Eighth century Prophets. The Book of Amos; Hosea; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Ezekiel; the prophetic role of a priest today.
Biblical Prophets: Non Literary Prophets
- Lindblom. J.. Prophecy in Ancient Israel (Oxford. 1962).
- Blenkinsopp. J.. A History of Prophecy in Israel (Philadelphia. 1983).
- Eissfeldt. O.. The Old Testament: An Introduction (trans. P. R. Ackroyd. Oxford. 1974).
- Koch. K.. The Prophets, Vol. 1-2 (trans. M. Kohl. London. 1978).
Classical Prophets
- McKenna. M.. Prophets: Words of Fire (New York. 2001).
- Mays. J. L,,Amos:A Commentary (OTL; London. 1969).
- Andersen J. L. – D. N. Freedman. Amos: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (AB 24A; New York. 1989).
- Bright. J.. A History of Israel (Philadelphia. 1981).