OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Western Aesthetics)

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : 03 Credits : 01 Teacher : Rev. Dr Madathisseril Sebastian Aim The concern of the course is to provide a philosophical vision of the nature and value of art and literature. The course starts from the historical development of the theme, up to the 20th century aestheticians. It discusses the different theories of aesthetic creativity namely the imitation theory, representation theory, how the classical Greek philosophers namely Plato and Aristotle responded differently to these theories, expressionist theory, formalist theory, neo-representation theory, neo-Wittgenstein open concept, and institutional theory of art. The discussion is centred on the fact that these different theories that explain the very nature of art has its importance for culture and…

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OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Indian Aesthetics)

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S2 Credits : 01 Teacher : Rev. Dr Karukayil Jacob Aim The purpose of studying Indian Aesthetics is to familiarize the students to some of the theories of art in the Indian philosophical tradition. The course helps students to know about the concepts of rasa and its constituents. It also focuses to explain the concept of dhvani. The Indian Aesthetics or Indian philosophication of beauty is concrete, particular and localized. This course deals with 4 modules. The first module is about the Indian terminology for art and also explains about Saundarya Sastra. The next module deals with the theory of rasa in the context of drama. This module gives a clear view about…

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OAS 311 Marxism

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S2 Credits : 01 Teacher : rev. Dr Kodenkandath Francis Mathew Aim The objective of this course is to have an introduction to basics of Marxism for understanding social doctrines of the Church. The course also aims at examining Kerala’s particular communism variant with a critical eye, so the lights and shadows of Marxist theories’ application to the local context are highlighted. A critical review of Soviet experience is also included. Main Reference Books References Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (Moscow: Prometheus Books,1988). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto (London: Communist League,1848). John Hibben and Eric V.D, Hegel’s Shorter Logic (Gegensatz Press, 2013). Karl Marx, Capital Vol.1 (Berlin:…

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OAS 309 Gospel Values

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S6 Credits : 01 Teacher : rev. Dr Mekkattukunnel Andrews Aim Gospel or the Euangelion is the good news that God sent his Son into the world to save the humankind. Jesus of Nazareth himself or his message of the kingdom of God/Heaven can be viewed as the good news. Knowing Jesus and his teachings, entering into personal relationship with him and living daily life in communion with him is the call of a Christian. This course on the Gospel Values is meant to prepare the students for this life-giving encounter with the person of Jesus of Nazareth. References Brown R. E., An Introduction to the New Testament, New York, 1997. Brown R.…

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OAS 307 General Psychology

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S1 Credits : 02 Teacher : rev. dr. fr. Pathalil Tijo Aim This course aims to introduce philosophy students to psychology. It has three main objectives. The first one is to offer them the basic conceptual tools so that they can understand the ideas that articulate the main currents of contemporary psychology. For that reason, psychology as a human science and its special scientific nature should be critically expounded, together with its origin and evolution as an independent academic discipline. The second one is to find out the specific anthropological view implicit in the different schools of psychology. In this way, the students should be able to appreciate the truths that are present…

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OAS 310 Gandhian Thought

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 02 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Dr Vellarackal Paul Aim One of the Contemporary thinkers of Indian Philosophical Systems, Mahatma Gandhi and his teachings are well analysed under this topic. His metaphysical Ideas include the topics such as the concept of Truth, Non-violence, Religion and Self-realization. Moral Idea deals with Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacarya, Aparigraha, Love and Sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi’s Social Ideas consists of Satyagraha, Sarvodaya, Disarmament, Socialism, Communism, and Status of Women. Educational thought comprises Basic Education, Method of Teaching, Role of a Teacher and Value Oriented Education. Political Reflection includes True Democracy, Decentralisation, Village Panchayats, Swadeshi and Swaraj. Mahatma Gandhi’s relevance today is also evaluated at the end. References…

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OAS 303 Eco-Philosophy

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 02 Teacher : rev. Dr Maramattam Xavier Aim Eco-philosophy is a philosophical study of ecological harmony and equilibrium that exists in this world. This course starts with explaining the notion of Ecology, Ecosophy and the scope of Eco-philosophy. Then we expose some of the important Ecological crises like Pollution, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Deforestation, Erosion of Fertile Soil, the Bio-diversity Crisis and its causes such as, Anthropocentrism, Cartesian Dualism, Modernism, etc. A philosophical outlook towards nature consisted of both Western and Eastern traditions such as, the Greek wisdom, Mechanical philosophy of nature in the middle ages, logical positivism, New vision of physics, the Taoist world view, Buddhist world view, Hindu…

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OAS 308 Abnormal Psychology

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S2 Credits : 01 Teacher : Rev. Fr Ettakakunnel T. Aim This course provides an examination of the various psychological disorders, as well as theoretical, clinical, and experimental perspectives of the study of psychopathology. Emphasis is placed on terminology, classification, etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major disorders. Upon completion, students should be able to distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior patterns as well as demonstrate knowledge of etiology, symptoms, and therapeutic techniques. The course follows interaction between biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors in the causation of mental disorders. References American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.), Washington, D.C.: APA, 2003. Barlow, D. H. & Durand V. M.,…

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OBS 103 Logic: Deduction

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S2 Credits : 05 Teacher : Rev. Fr Neelanirappel Johnson Aim Logic as theory of good reasoning help the students not only to reason but also to understand how reason works. It allows to necessarily infer all the expectations that follow from accepting some set of premises as true. Offering the course from the beginning of their philosophical formation will facilitate the students to formulate their rational thinking according to the laws of logic. Deduction which is formal logic starts with a detailed analysis of the thematic clarification like denotation, connotation, classification of terms, definition and division and its different rules and fallacies. The major discussion of the topic is about mediate and…

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OBS 101 Introduction to Philosophy

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S1 Credits : 02 Teacher : rev. Dr Sankoorikal Martin & Alias Manoj Francis Aim The course Introduction to Philosophy aims at introducing seminarians to the world of philosophy. First of all, we discuss the necessity of philosophical education for future priests, and then, we attempt to answer some basic questions: (1) what is philosophy? (2) how to philosophise? (3) how to avoid fallacies in reasoning? (4) how to write a good philosophical work? and (5) how do different philosophical treatises emerge as a result of a philosopher’s search for wisdom? References Katen, T., Doing Philosophy, New Jersey, 1973. Thiroux, J., Philosophy: Theory and Practice, New York, 1985. Maritain, J., An Introduction to…

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