- The academic year is divided into two semesters. At the end of each semester there shall be some days of study leave to prepare for examinations.
- The number of minimum class days including days of study leave and examinations shall be fixed by the Syndicate. Courses are divided into Main and Subsidiary, Obligatory and Elective, Institutional and Special.
- In the teaching of subjects the following methods may be used: lectures, seminars, reading and evaluation of books and articles, tutorials and research projects, audio visual aids, the general programmes of which shall be approved by the Syndicate and determined in detail by the President.
- Besides the fundamental themes in main subjects, which may be offered as courses common for all students, further elaborations may be offered according to special orientations like Biblical, Pastoral, Oriental, Patristic, Missiological and Comparative Religious studies.
- Students shall be regular at all lectures prescibed for their courses. One who is absent from lectures and academic exercises for more than 1/3 of the year, even for a legitimate reason, is liable to repeat the year.
- Absence of less than 1/3 of the total number of classes for the same subject may be compensated by supplementary work at the discretion of the teacher concerned.
- If the absence is more than 1/3 of the total number of classes for the same subject, for a justifiable reason, the student may be permitted to appear for the examination with an alternative arrangement approved by the President /Dean.
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) for making studies and courses more transparent and thus helping to enhance the quality of higher education.ECTS credits express the volume of learning based on the defined learning outcomes and their associated workload. One credit corresponds to 25 to 30 hours of work (including lectures, tutorials, assignments, projects and examination). At PVP one ECTS is calculated as follows: Lectures 12-13 hours; Personal work like assignment, project or field work: 10 hours: Examination: 2-3 hours). A two credit course has 24-26 lecture hours; Personal work like assignment, project or field work: 20 hours; Examination : 4-5 hours.)
Examination will be conducted at the end of each semester for the courses that have been completed during the semester. Students will be examined not only on the basis of lectures given in the class as specified in the prospectus, but also based on the literature related to the subject assigned for private and personal study.
No student shall be allowed to enroll:
1) For the examination of a subject if a student he has not attended the required number of classes
2) For the examination for Certificate, Diploma and Degree if he has not been successful in all courses and exercises of the respective cycles.
For special courses evaluation may be made immediately at the end of the courses.
If anyone fails in a subject, the examination in the respective subject shall be repeated. Such examinations shall be conducted at the beginning of the following semester. The examinations that are deferred for other reasons shall be conducted at the time fixed by the President. Those who fail in degree examinations may repeat the examination only once, at the end of the following semester.
- For the one credit subjects the examinations may be oral or written or it can be substituted by a paper submitted by the student according to the direction of the professor. For the two credit courses the general norm is written examination. However, if a written test is already conducted for two credits (30 classes) course, the professor (not the students) can choose for viva examination informing the Controller of Examinations. For the courses of three credits and above, the Examinations shall be wrirtten.
- The duration of the written examination for one credit courses shall be one hour.
- For the courses of two credits, three credits and the four credits, duration of the written examination is two hours. If the course is more than four credits (60 classes), duration of the written examination is 2.30 hours.
- The students shall be present for examinations at the appointed time. Postponement of examinations will be allowed by the President only for serious reasons and only on the recommendation of the teacher concerned.
- Examinations may be anticipated if they are done at least two weeks before the beginning of the study leave.
- For the second re-examination the student has to request in writing to the Syndicate.
- Maximum marks to be allotted for the internal assessment of the subjects (including test paper, assignment, class presentation etc.) is 25 and the final examination shall be conducted at least for 75 marks. For the languages, maximum marks to be allotted for the internal assessment is 40 and the final examination shall be conducted at least for 60 marks.
- Students who fail in two obligatory subjects of the same academic year in the third chance will have to repeat the year.
- The case of those who fail in the optional or subsidiary subjects will be decided by the Syndicate.
- The students should attend all the required courses.
- The students should obtain 50% marks in all the exams.
- Students Disqualified from Appearing for Degree Exams
- Those who do not obtain 50% of the total marks.
- Those who fail in three or more subjects in the semester exams
- Those who fail in any subject or language in the second chance (re-exam)
- If the students of philosophy get 55% marks for all the subjects in the subsequent semester exams;
- If the students of theology get 60% marks for all the subjects in the subsequent semester exams.
- At the end of the First Cycle there will be comprehensive examination in Systematic Theology, Moral Theology, Scripture, Oriental Studies including Church History, Patristics, Liturgy and Spirituality. This examination will be a ‘viva voce’ test for one hour before a board of examiners representing the four sections questioning the examinee for 15 minutes each.
- The themes for the comprehensive examinations shall be approved by the Syndicate.
- Apart from the oral examinations the B.Th. candidates should appear for a comprehensive written examination lasting for three hours.
- The comprehensive final examinations for Basic Course students, not aspiring to the Degree, in Systematic Theology will be written and that in Moral Theology will be oral.
- There shall be comprehensive examination in philosophy at the end of the two- year philosophy course and it will be both oral and written. The Written examination will last for 3 hours and the Oral examination will be for 45 minutes each for each student under three panels having two examiners.
Ranks are awarded in L.Th, B.Th. and B. Ph. degree every year.
- In Philosophy ranks are awarded separately for subjects and languages. Total marks obtained for obligatory subjects, optional subjects, thesis and seminar and 25% of the total marks obtained for the electives shall be considered for ranks in subjects. The total marks obtained for all the languages are considered for ranks in languages.
- In Theology there is no separate rank for languages. 50% of marks obtained for languages are added to the total marks obtained for obligatory subjects, optional subjects, thesis and seminar and also 25% of the total marks obtained for electives.
- The students are permitted to attend more than two electives in an academic year. But only the highest mark (of two exams) is considered for deciding ranks.
Students Excluded from the Rank List;
- Basic course students.
- Those who appear for exams out of the normal schedule of exam.
- Those who appear for re-examination.
B.Ph. | B.Th. | D.Th. | |
Course Average | 50% | 50% | 10% |
Oral Examination | 20% | 25% | |
Written Exam | 15% | 10% | |
Dissertation | 15% | 15% | 50% |
Defence | 30% | ||
Marks obtained in Licentiate | 10% |
A minimum of 50% of marks is required to pass in any subject.
Marks will be awarded out of a total of 100 as follows:
50-59 : | C+ | (Probatus) |
60-69 : | B | (BeneProbatus) |
70-79 : | B+ | (Cum Laude) |
80-89 : | A | (Magna cum Laude) |
90-100 : | A+ | (Summa cum Laude) |
In global evaluation the mark is the quotient obtained by dividing the sum total of individual marks by the number of the examiners. In the final computation half a mark counts as one.
Besides Degree Course students who aspire for an academic degree, the Institute admits also basic course students.
The basic course students are those who do not aspire for an academic degree, but are required to do the courses in the departments may exempt them from some of the electives prescribed for the Degree Course students. Moreover they are neither required to take the comprehensive viva voce examination nor to do the thesis prescribed for the Degree Course students. They may be awarded Diplomas or Certificates corresponding to the studies they have made in the Institute.