The Second Cycle of Specialization lasts for a period of two years or four semesters (PVP Statutes Art. 28.1)


The Pontifical Oriental Institute offers specialization in Eastern Christian Theology. The programme of studies consists of courses covering the main areas of this specialization. These areas are:

A. General Eastern Theology

Theological reflections of Eastern and Asian theologians, ecumenical dimensions of Eastern Christianity. Liturgical traditions, Patristic teachings and the spiritual heritage of the Eastern Churches, History of the ecclesiological traditions of St. Thomas Christians.

B. Biblical Theology

Systematic study of Bible with due emphasis on the study of biblical languages. Special attention is paid to the study of Peshitta, the Syriac version of Bible and the Biblical exegesis of Syriac Fathers. The duration of this course is total three years of which the first year is propaedeutic year.

C. Syriac Theology

Specialized studyof the Syriac heritage focusing on the theology, liturgy and spirituality of the Syriac tradition. The study of Syriac language is given due emphasis enabling the students to have direct access to the riches of Syriac heritage found in the Syriac Biblical, Patristic and liturgical texts.


The Study programme of the Second Cycle consists of courses, seminars, book-reviews and thesis.

A. Courses

  1. There are principal, auxiliary and optional courses.
  2. Principal courses are designed to initiate the students into the fundamental areas of Eastern, Biblical and Syriac Theology and enable them to carry out further research in those areas.
  3. Auxiliary and optional courses supplement these principal courses, offering the opportunity for deeper research in one or another area of specialization.
  4. There are 15 Principal courses for 30 credits, 8 Auxiliary courses for 16 credits and 4 Optional courses for 4 credits distributed in four semesters.
  5. Students attending General Eastern Theology need a working knowledge of Syriac (60 hours) and Greek (60 hours). They may also attend the optional courses like Latin (optional 15 hours), German (optional 15 hours), French (optional 15 hours), and Italian (optional 15 hours).

B. Seminars/Class

Within the first three semesters each student has to do three seminars of two credits each. One of the seminars may be titled as “Seminar in preparation for thesis”. It should be done in common for all the students in the third semester. The final submission of the two seminar papers must be written in English language with footnotes and references. 12-point type in one of the standard fonts: Times, Helvetica, or Courier is preferred. Please double-line space your manuscript. The length of the seminar paper is between 2000 and 2500 words.

C. Evaluation of Literature

General Eastern Theology students have to present a written evaluation of 4 books dealing with the areas included in the specialization programme. They have to submit 2 in the first semester and 2 in the second semester. These book reviews will form 2 credits.

D. The Thesis

  1. The most important test of the biennium is the thesis. The thesis will form 6 credits.
  2. In the thesis, written under the guidance of a professor, the candidate must show strict scientific method, critical judgement, maturity of expression and the ability to do scientific research at postgraduate level.
  3. Theme for the thesis should be selected in the second semester of the first year. In the second year, in the second week of June the theme should be presented in common with the respective guides of the thesis. The student has to present the subject of the thesis and the name of the professor who will direct it to the Faculty for approval. First chapter of the thesis should be submitted by the end of September; Second chapter by the end of December and the Third chapter by the end of January.
  4. The subject of the thesis should pertain to one of the areas of specialization.
  5. The thesis should have a minimum of 50 pages or 15000 words.
  6. Four copies of the thesis should be presented to the Faculty at least four weeks before the final oral examination.

E.   Additional requirements carry 2 Credits

participation in Seminars and Symposium(Not applicable to Students of Biblical Theology and Syriac Theology)


For the successful completion of the Licentiate in Theology (L.Th) at the Paurastya Vidyapitham each student has to appear for Comprehensive Written and Oral Examinations and the defence of the thesis.

A. Comprehensive Written Examination

  1. There will be altogether 20 themes for the Comprehensive Written Examination from the area of specialization.
  2. All students will choose the theme for exam by taking the lots.
  3. Each student will get a chance to take two lots. If both lots are from the same section and if the student is not satisfied with both questions, s/he can try for a third lot. But the second lot will be cancelled before attempting the third and last chance.
  4. Duration of the exam will be three hours.
  5. Answer paper will be evaluated by two professors and an average will be considered as the final mark.

B.  Comprehensive Oral Examination

  1. There will be two panels for the Comprehensive Oral Examination: panel of specialization and the common panel.
  2. Each panel consists of three professors.
  3. There will be altogether 30 themes for the Comprehensive Oral Examination: 20 themes for the panel of specialization and 10 themes for the common panel.
  4. The duration of the Oral Exam for each student will be 35 minutes: 20 minutes for the panel of Specialization and 15 minutes for the common panel.
  5. Each examiner will ask questions based on the themes already given.
  6. Each student gets 15 minutes for preparation. The student can prepare a theme and present it for 5 minutes before one of the professors in the First panel (Panel of Specialization).
  7. Each examiner gives marks out of hundred.
  8. The final tabulation of the marks of comprehensive Oral Examination is done as follows: Panel of Specialization: 60% and Common Panel: 40%.

C. Defense of Thesis

  1. Defence of the thesis will be public.
  2. The panel of the defence consists of three professors: the Director of the thesis, the Reader of the thesis and the President of the session.
  3. The defence will be 30 minutes. Of the 30 minutes, 10 minutes will be given to the student for the presentation of the theme and the main argument of the thesis. The Director of the thesis will get 7 minutes; the Reader of the thesis will have 10 minutes and the President of the session will get 3 minutes each for questions and clarifications.
  4. For the defence, each examiner gives marks out of hundred. An average of the marks of the three professors will be considered as the final mark of the defence.
  5. The written text will be evaluated by two professors: The Director of the thesis and the Reader of the thesis. Each examiner gives marks out of hundred. An average of the marks of the two professors will be considered as the final mark of the written text.