
It comprises of two-year curriculum of studies for students who have graduate and post-graduate degrees from the state recognized universities.


The philosophical subjects are presented in such a way that the student is given a harmonious view embracing man, the world and God. Though the teaching should be based on the valid perennial patrimony of Christian philosophy, the insights of modern philosophy, the progress of natural and human sciences, and the idea and problems offered by the traditional Indian thought should be taken into account.

Requirements for Admission

Presentation and Testimonial Letters (VG Norms of Application, Art. 26 § 1.1):

  1. In the case of Diocesan seminarians and members of the Institutes of Consecrated Life residing in the Seminary the presentation letter by the Rector of the Seminary;
  2. In the case of members of the study houses or the Institutes of Consecrated Life not residing in the Seminary, presentation letters by their respective superiors;
  3. In the case of any other Catholic applicant, a testimonial letter of the applicant’s Hierarch.

Academic Qualification of a Catholic Applicant

For admission to the First Cycle of Philosophy, the applicant must (VG, Art. 74 a):

  1. hold a Pre-University, Pre-Degree or Plus Two pass Certificate, or have successfully completed studies considered by the Syndicate as equivalent to any one of the courses mentioned above (VG, Art. 32 § 1);
  2. have a pass in an entrance examination if judged necessary by the Syndicate (VG, Art. 32 § 2).

Admission for the non-Catholic and non-Christian Students:

The degrees awarded to the non-Catholic students shall be issued in the name of the Chancellor of PVP. Their certificates will not bear the name of the Roman Pontiff.


  1. in the case of non-Catholics, letters of their Ecclesiastical Authorities.
  2. A non-Catholic student is admitted to PVP only with the written recommendation of a Catholic Ecclesiastical Authority who gives a guarantee for his moral rectitude and good will toward the Church (Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism, nos. 87-91; nos. 191-203; AAS 85 (1993) 1039-1118).
  3. The Syndicate will decide on the admission of non-Christian students according to the merit of each case

 Academic Qualifications for the non-Catholic and non-Christian Students:

PVP may approve courses, partial or complete, conducted in other approved Ecclesiastical Faculties or Centers either directly or by means of an examination as the Syndicate may decide after considering the programme of studies followed, hours employed and examinations and tests passed.

For enrollment purposes of non-Catholic Students, PVP may approve certain courses taken at non-Catholic faculties, taking into account what is indicated by the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism

Academic Arrangements

The two-year curriculum of studies has 140 credits of philosophical subjects and 40 credits of the university level accredited subjects which are obtained from Minor Seminaries of the Syro Malabar Church or from Higher Education Institutions recognized by local civil authorities (cf. Letter of the Congregation for Catholic Education, dated 25 June 2013, Prot. N. 198/2012). The university level accredited subjects are languages and the Psychology subjects.

Course Details

  1. The academic year is divided into two semesters. At the end of each semester there shall be some days of study leave to prepare for examinations.
  2. The number of minimum class days including days of study leave and examinations shall be fixed by the Syndicate.
  3. Courses are divided into Main and Subsidiary, Obligatory and Optional, Institutional and Special.
  4. In the teaching of subjects the following methods may be used: lectures, seminars, reading and evaluation of books and articles, tutorials and research projects, the general programmes of which shall be approved by the Syndicate and determined in detail by the President.
  5.  Besides the fundamental themes in main subjects, which may be offered as courses in common for all students, further elaborations may be offered according to special orientations like Biblical, Pastoral, Oriental, Patristic, Missiological and Comparative Religious studies.
  6. In addition to the required main and subsidiary subjects each degree candidate shall take and pass during the Institutional Cycle at least four Electives in the first stage and six in the second stage. The Basic Course students shall take and pass at least two Electives in the first stage and three in the second stage.
  7. In order to train the students in methods of personal research and study, during the first and second year of the first stage of the Institutional Cycle, degree course students shall participate in seminars, at least one per year. In the second stage of the Institutional Cycle they should participate every year in the work of one of the seminars and present an essay on a chosen subject under the direction of a teacher.
  8. Students of second and third year of Philosophy shall present written reviews of two serious books connected with the subject and approved by a teacher.
  9. Basic Course students shall take and pass the subjects assigned for them in the programme of each academic year. Degree course students who fail to secure the required marks in more than two main subjects shall be assigned to the basic course.
  10. All the students of PVP shall attend the Extension Lectures. Their participation in them will be evaluated.

Subjects are divided into Obligatory Basic Subjects (OBS), Supplementary Obligatory Subjects (SOS) and Optional Additional Subjects (OAS). The obligatory courses are principal and auxiliary (VG Norms of Application, Art. 31).

  1. Students of the First Cycles shall acquire a basic knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, Syriac, Latin and Sanskrit (Ancient Language Studies (ALS)), besides the mastery of English language.
  2. Each year’s plan of studies will carry the list of obligatory and optional subjects prescribed for each Cycle as well as the details regarding the distribution of subjects.
  3. The programme of studies presented has listed number of optional courses which may be replaced by others or new ones may be added at the discretion of the Syndicate.
  4. The counting of courses: In accordance with the Bologna Process to which the Apostolic See adheres the Dicastery for Culture and Education has rendered obligatory the adoption of European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One ECTS is equivalent of 25 study hours consisting of 45 minutes, of which 10 classes are for the teaching, 10 class hours are for the students’ personal work on the specific topic and 5 class hours are for the preparation of examinations.

The course on Baccalaureate in Theology consists of 180 ECTS. The divisions

  1. Obligatory Basic Subjects – 110
  2. Supplementary Obligatory Subjects – 50
  3. Obligatory Academic Requirements – 20
  • A. Obligatory Basic Subjects
  • B. Supplementary Obligatory Subjects
  • C. Optional Additional Subjects
Obligatory Basic SubjectsCredits
OBS 101 Introduction to Philosophy2
OBS 102 Fides et Ratio2
OBS 103 Logic: Deduction5
OBS 104 Logic: Induction3
OBS 105 Symbolic Logic3
OBS 106 Philosophy of Knowledge7
OBS 107 Metaphysics7
OBS 108 Theodicy7
OBS 109 Philosophy of Religion3
OBS 110 Philosophy of Anthropology7
OBS 111 Moral Philosophy7
OBS 112 Political Philosophy5
OBS 113 Cosmology7
OBS 114 Greek Philosophy5
OBS 115 Medieval Philosophy5
OBS 116 Modern Philosophy5
OBS 117 Contemporary Western Philosophy5
OBS 118 Modern Trends in Philosophy2
OBS 119 Introduction to Indian Philosophy2
OBS 120 Ancient Indian Philosophy4
OBS 121 Systems of Indian Philosophy4
OBS 122 Modern Indian Thought4
OBS 123 Contemporary Indian Thought4
OBS 124 Seminar5
OBS 125 Dissertation10
Total Credits120
Supplementary Obligatory SubjectCredit
SOS 201 Scientific Methodology1
SOS 202 English I Communication Skills3
SOS 203 English II : Reading Literature3
SOS 204 English III : Critical Thinking3
SOS 205 English IV: Musings on Vital Issues3
SOS 206 English V : Reflections on Ind.Polity3
SOS 207 English VI : Evolution of Ph. Science3
SOS 208 Malayalam I: Stories and Novels3
SOS 209 Malayalam II : Poetry3
SOS 210 Malayalam III: Drama3
SOS 211 Malayalam IV : Prose and Writing3
SOS 212 Hindi1
SOS 213 Sanskrit2
SOS 214 Syriac2
SOS 215 Latin2
SOS 216 Book Reviews1
SOS 217 Symposia & Extension Lectures1
Total Credits40
Optional Additional SubjectsCredit
OAS 301 Philosophy of Science2
OAS 302 Scientific Phenomenology2
OAS 303 Eco-Philosophy2
OAS 304 Renaissance Philosophy1
OAS 305 Philosophy of Art and beauty2
OAS 306 Philosophy of Culture1
OAS 307 General Psychology2
OAS 308 Abnormal Psychology1
OAS 309 Gospel Values1
OAS 310 Philosophy of Informatics1
OAS 311 Marxism1
OAS 312 Elective Subjects4
Total Credit20