OAS 311 Marxism

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S2 Credits : 01 Teacher : rev. Dr Kodenkandath Francis Mathew Aim The objective of this course is to have an introduction to basics of Marxism for understanding social doctrines of the Church. The course also aims at examining Kerala’s particular communism variant with a critical eye, so the lights and shadows of Marxist theories’ application to the local context are highlighted. A critical review of Soviet experience is also included. Main Reference Books References Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (Moscow: Prometheus Books,1988). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Communist Manifesto (London: Communist League,1848). John Hibben and Eric V.D, Hegel’s Shorter Logic (Gegensatz Press, 2013). Karl Marx, Capital Vol.1 (Berlin:…

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