OBS 108 Theodicy (Philosophy of God)

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S7 Credits : 3 Teacher : Dr Kuttikadan John Lindo Aim Theodicy is conceived, in Thomistic perspective, as a part of Metaphysics, namely as a Science that studies the “being as such” and its principles (God as a Supreme Cause and Principle). The purpose of this course is to help the seminarians to defend their belief in God by the use natural reason. One learns to base his/her arguments on the basic principles of reason and make a thorough and systematic analysis of the data of experience in order to prove that God exists and also to explain the nature and attributes of God. We also discuss in some detail the problem of…

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OBS 105 Symbolic Logic

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Dr Kuttikadan John Lindo Aim Notion, nature and characteristics of Symbolic logic are discussed at the outset, after treating its history of development. Various truth-functions are introduced as the preparation for the determination of the validity of arguments through truth-table construction. Formal proof of validity is also studied with the rules of inference and replacements. Propositional logic presents also the various forms of statements like tautology, contradiction and contingency. This course focuses also on Predicate Logic with quantification rules. Symbolization of ordinary statements and arguments is introduced with a view to the determination of the validity of arguments in general. References Lee, H.N., Symbolic Logic (1962) Howson,…

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OBS 107 Metaphysics

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 7 Teacher : Dr Kuttikadan John Lindo Aim The course envisages a discussion on reality or being. First of all, the very notion, nature, method and importance of metaphysics are exposed against the background of various criticisms hailing especially in the history of Western Philosophy. Metaphysics is Transcendental properties like unity, truth, goodness and beauty are seen as modalities to understand being in depth. Again, various themes like analogy of being, existence and essence, substance and accidents, matter and form, act and potency, supposit and person, etc., are brought to light. The world of finite beings and the transcendental possibility of the very existence of God are also referred to…

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OBS 115 History of Medieval Western Philosophy

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S3 Credits : 05 Teacher : rev. Dr Kuttikadan John Lindo Aim We begin our discussion by explaining how the Christian apologists of the pre-medieval period defended their faith against the heretics by making use of Greek philosophical concepts and confidently attempting a harmonious blend of faith and reason. We discuss in some detail the philosophy of the great medieval thinkers such as St. Augustine, Boethius, St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. We also present the ideas of Avicenna, Al-Ghazali, Averroes and Moses Maimonides. References Gilson, E., History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, London, 1955. Copleston, F., A History of Philosophy: Medieval Philosophy, Vol.…

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