SSS 506 Book of Psalms

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim The goal of this study is to bring about an active and meaningful engagement between the student and the Book of Psalms. The student can have a two-part study: an initial understanding of the Books of Psalms and its exegesis. Thus the first part discusses, the origin, source, formation, authorship and date, various divisions and collections, the gerne and setting, and theology of the psalms, and the use of psalms among Christians. The exegetical study offers a theological reading of some particular psalms applying various methods and approaches of interpretation. References Allen. L.C.. Psalms 101-150. WBC 21. Waco 1981. Alter. R.. The…

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SSS 505 Wisdom Books

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim The course on Wisdom Books gives a general introduction to the wisdom literature as a whole and discusses the Wisdom Books in particular. The course is intended to give the student a basic understanding of this large area of the Word of God. The first few classes discuss the introductory materials. After the general introduction, each book is introduced, paying attention to the structure, content, relation to the other books, and the theology. Certain selected texts will be exegetically analysed in the class. References Any serious commentary on the Old Testament is of use for the course. Faculty of Theology Institute of…

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SSS 502 Pentateuch

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim The course on Pentateuch introduces the student to the rich mines of the esteemed pages of the Old Testament, precious both for the people of the Old Covenant and of the New Covenant. The first few classes discuss the introductory materials, such as the names of each books, the formation, authorship, literary genre, unity, etc. of the Pentateuch as a whole. Then each of the books is analysed giving an introduction followed by examining the organization of the book, the theology, etc. A couple of passages from each book are discussed in detail. The last part of the course analyses exegetically the…

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SSS 501 Introduction to Sacred Scripture and Exegesis

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim This course is designed to introduce the student to a general understanding of the Bible. The course introduces the basic notions needed for the understanding the Word of God. The following themes are discussed in this course: Different Steps in the Study of the Bible; The formation of the Bible; Texts. Versions. Manuscripts; Different Translations of the Bible; Canon of the Scripture; History of Salvation-OT and NT; Biblical Languages; Geography of the Holy Land; Religious Life of ancient Israel; Different groups of the Jewish Community in the NT times. References R.E.Brown et al. (Eds.), New Jerome Biblical Commentary (New Jersey. 1990) K.…

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