SSS 506 Book of Psalms
Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim The goal of this study is to bring about an active and meaningful engagement between the student and the Book of Psalms. The student can have a two-part study: an initial understanding of the Books of Psalms and its exegesis. Thus the first part discusses, the origin, source, formation, authorship and date, various divisions and collections, the gerne and setting, and theology of the psalms, and the use of psalms among Christians. The exegetical study offers a theological reading of some particular psalms applying various methods and approaches of interpretation. References Allen. L.C.. Psalms 101-150. WBC 21. Waco 1981. Alter. R.. The…