OBS 107 Metaphysics

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 7 Teacher : Dr Kuttikadan John Lindo Aim The course envisages a discussion on reality or being. First of all, the very notion, nature, method and importance of metaphysics are exposed against the background of various criticisms hailing especially in the history of Western Philosophy. Metaphysics is Transcendental properties like unity, truth, goodness and beauty are seen as modalities to understand being in depth. Again, various themes like analogy of being, existence and essence, substance and accidents, matter and form, act and potency, supposit and person, etc., are brought to light. The world of finite beings and the transcendental possibility of the very existence of God are also referred to…

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CLS 713 Religious

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor James Aim This course is to familiarize the students sacraments, ecumenism and religious on the basis of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church. The following themes are discussed in this course: Baptism, chrismation with holy myron. divine Eucharist, sacrament of penance, anointing of the sick, sacred ordination, sacramentals. sacred times and places, veneration of the saints, vow and oath (Title xvi cc 675-775.867-895). Monks and other religious, monasteries, orders and congregations, societies of common life according to the manner of religious, secular institutes, other forms of consecrated life (Title xii cc. 410-572). Ecumenism (Title…

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MTS 707 Catholic Bio Ethics

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kanniyakonil S. Aim This course deals specifically with the Catholic view on bioethical issues. We deal with the following themes in this course: Theology and Moral Principles in Catholic Bioethics; Procreation and the Beginning of Life - Sterilisation and Contraception; Artificial Reproductive Technologies; Cloning; Abortion; Respect for Bodily Integrity in Health Care - Organ Donation and Transplantation; Care of Older Persons and Others; Ethical Issues at the End of Life- Palliative Care. Euthanasia. Suicide; Medical Research -Stem cell research. Human Genome Project. References W. E. May. Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life (Indiana: 2000). K. O’Rourke and P. Boyle. Medical Ethics: Sources of…

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MTS 703 Sacrament of Reconciliation

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Vechoor Dominic Aim This course is intended to help the students to have a better understanding and a more fruitful celebration of the sacred ministry in the confessional, a beautiful but a demanding apostolate. The required historical, theological, canonical and pastoral orientations will be given to the students. The students are slowly initiated to appreciate the beauty of this sacrament in the light of the Eastern and Western theological perspectives and to put it at the center of their future pastoral ministry. The entire course is divided into five parts. The introductory part will deal with the different dimensions of the contemporary crisis in and…

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STS 613 Eschatology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chalackal Aim The aim of the course is to lead the students into a theological awareness about the final goal of man and of the universe. Important Themes Discussed in the Course includes the definition, division and the sources of Eschatology. Important Aspects of the Old Testament and New Testament Eschatology, death. Particular Judgment. Prayers for the dead. Heaven. Hell. Parousia and the end of the World, the resurrection of the dead, the eschatological judgment and the new creation and eternal life. References Balthasar. H. U. von. Dare We Hope that All Men be Saved?. San Francisco. 1988. Congregation for the Doctrine of the…

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STS 612 Ecclesiology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Varghese Kochuparampil Aim The course introduces to the students the need and relevance of study about God and His mysteries in order to understand oneself, others and the world. It also aims at enabling them to familiarize with the foundations of theology, sources of theology and the contemporary trends in theology. References German. R. (ed). An Introduction to Catholic Theology. New York. 1998 McGrath. A. E.. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Oxford. 2001; O’Collins. G. Fundamental Theology. London. 1981 O’Donnell. J ..Introduction to the Dogmatic Theology. Rome. 1994; Pathil. K. & Vcliath. D...1// Introduction to Theology. Bangalore. 2003. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of…

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SSS 506 Book of Psalms

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Kuttiyanickal Aim The goal of this study is to bring about an active and meaningful engagement between the student and the Book of Psalms. The student can have a two-part study: an initial understanding of the Books of Psalms and its exegesis. Thus the first part discusses, the origin, source, formation, authorship and date, various divisions and collections, the gerne and setting, and theology of the psalms, and the use of psalms among Christians. The exegetical study offers a theological reading of some particular psalms applying various methods and approaches of interpretation. References Allen. L.C.. Psalms 101-150. WBC 21. Waco 1981. Alter. R.. The…

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SSS 504 Major and Minor Prophetic Literature

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3, S4, S5 Credits : 07 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Cyriac Valiyakunnumpurathe Aim Biblical Prophets: Non Literary Prophets The course aims at introducing the students of theology into the world of OT Prophets. Besides giving information about the features of OT prophecy, and the life, background, and theology of the Major and MinorProphets of Israel, the students are prepared through the analysis of certain prophetic texts to imbibe the spirit of Prophets so that they might meaningfully and prophetically dialogue with man and society. The following themes are discussed in this course: Prophecy in Ancient Near East and Prophecy in Israel; Basic texts for prophet and prophecy: Dent 18.15-22 (Ex 20.18-21); Num 11.10-30;…

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OAS 310 Gandhian Thought

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 02 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Dr Vellarackal Paul Aim One of the Contemporary thinkers of Indian Philosophical Systems, Mahatma Gandhi and his teachings are well analysed under this topic. His metaphysical Ideas include the topics such as the concept of Truth, Non-violence, Religion and Self-realization. Moral Idea deals with Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacarya, Aparigraha, Love and Sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi’s Social Ideas consists of Satyagraha, Sarvodaya, Disarmament, Socialism, Communism, and Status of Women. Educational thought comprises Basic Education, Method of Teaching, Role of a Teacher and Value Oriented Education. Political Reflection includes True Democracy, Decentralisation, Village Panchayats, Swadeshi and Swaraj. Mahatma Gandhi’s relevance today is also evaluated at the end. References…

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