The course Introduction to Philosophy aims at introducing seminarians to the world of philosophy. First of all, we discuss the necessity of philosophical education for future priests, and then, we attempt to answer some basic questions: (1) what is philosophy? (2) how to philosophise? (3) how to avoid fallacies in reasoning? (4) how to write a good philosophical work? and (5) how do different philosophical treatises emerge as a result of a philosopher’s search for wisdom?
- Katen, T., Doing Philosophy, New Jersey, 1973.
- Thiroux, J., Philosophy: Theory and Practice, New York, 1985.
- Maritain, J., An Introduction to Philosophy, London, 1981.
- Gaarder, J., Sophie’s World, New York, 1996.
- Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Fides et Ratio, Vatican, 1998.
- Pieper, J., In Defense of Philosophy: Classical Wisdom Stands up to Modern Challenges, Ignatius Press, San Francisco 1992.
- Azagra, D. and Casadesus, R. (eds.), Introduction to Philosophy. A Rational Toolkit for Christians, 2022 ( %C3%Als-fabregat-and-ricard-casades%C3%BAs/introduction-to-philosophy/paperback/product- 8dd765.html?page=l&pageSize=4).