The course pictures Iconography as a particular type of Church art. which represents a significant branch of Christian spirituality ever since the early centuries. The earliest Christian images we have, appeared around the year 200 as wall paintings in catacombs, and as sculpted figures on sarcophagi. Christian artists of the first centuries sought new ways to express their faith experience in painting. Given that the art of the first centuries was didactic in scope and the Christianized pagan art forms, facilitated the early Christians to perceive the Christian message.The primitive forms of Christian art are still to be seen in the catacombs of Rome. This early expression of art took a definitive form in Byzantium and portrayed mainly the religious themes such as the Holy Trinity, angels, sacred events, or the transfigured humanity of Jesus, the Mother of God. and saints. Gradually it became a liturgical art. used in Liturgy not simply as a decoration
but as a visual aid for worship. But a heresy known as “iconoclasm” disturbed the peace of the Eastern Church between the year 726 and 843. Iconoclastic controversy.though it was against the images, encouraged the veneration of the saints and their relics and paved way to important theological discussions.
- Catherine. P. R. (trans.). St Theodore the Studite on the Holy Icons (Crestwood: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1981).
- Giakalis. A.. Images of the Divine: The Theology of Icons at the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Leiden: E. J. Brill. 2005).
- Ouspensky. L. andLossky. V. The Meaning of Icons {New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1999).
- Ouspensky. L.. Theology of the Icon. 2 vols (Crestwood . NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press. 1992).
- Sendler. E.. The Icon: Image of the Invisible: Elements of Theology,Aesthetics and Technique (Alabama: Oakwood Publications. 1999).