Canon Law Religious

Program : : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S3 Credits : 2 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor James Aim Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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ATS 709 Archaeology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S7 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Valiyakunnumpurathe C Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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CLS 712 Sacrament of Marriage

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Credits : 3 Teacher : Thekkekara G. Aim Aim of this course is to present the concept of marriage, cleric and laity on the basis of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church. The following themes are included in this course: Pastoral care and those things that must precede the celebration of marriage, diriment impediments in general, impediments specifically, mixed marriage, matrimonial consent, the form for the celebration of marriage, convalidation of marriage, simple convalidation. radical sanation, the separation of the spouses, dissolution of the bond, separation while the bond endures (Title xvi cc 776-866). Processes of the declaration of the nullity of marriage,…

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ALS 054 Latin

Program : Program Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Semester S2 Credits : Credits 1.5 Teacher : Teacher Kaduppil J Aim Content: Elementary Latin expressions. Latin pronunciation. Basic grammar. Noun, adjective, (declensions) verb (conjugations) etc. Active voice. Passive voice. Simple Latin sentences. Aim: To impart the basic knowledge of Latin Language. References : Edison, Applied Latin, Trivandrum 2015; Simpson D P. Cassell s Latin Dictionary, New York. 1st ed.. 4th printing. 1982. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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ALS 053 East Syriac

Program : Program Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Semester S3 Credits : Credits 3 Teacher : Teacher Rev. Fr Pittapillil Francis Aim To impart the basic knowledge of Syriac language.This is a course designed for the first and second semesters. Elementary Syriac, alphabet, vowels, pronunciation, morphology. Quöäyäand Rukdkhd.. orthographical specialties of vowels, nouns and adjectives, gender and number, case letters, pronouns, declension, verb, active and passive voice, conjugation of verbs, imperative and infinitive moods, particles, objective pronominal suffixes of verb, states of nouns and adjectives. numerals. Syntax. Translations. References Arayathinal T., Aramaic Grammar, vols. 3. Mannanam. 1957; Eberhard Nestle. Syriac Grammar. London. 1900; Noldeke T. Grammatik der Neusyischen Sprache. Leipzig. 1868. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern…

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ALS 052 Biblical Greek

Program : Program Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Semester S1 Credits : Credits 3 Teacher : Teacher Vadakkel T. Aim The course aims at enabling the students to read the New Testament in the original language and to make them familiar with some of the important theological terms. The following themes are discussed in this course: Alphabet; verb; nouns; adjectives; pronouns; the Lord’s Prayer in Greek. References The Greek New Testament, Nestle - Aland. 27th edition (Stuttgart 1994). R.A. Martin. An Introduction to the New Testament GreeA(Bangalore 1978). Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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