STS 603 Atheism

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Aim References Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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STS 601 Ecumenism

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Karukaparmbil C. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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SSS 515 Book of Revelation

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Puthussery J. Aim The course enables the student to approach the book in the right perspective and draw pastoral positions based on these. After an introduction to the inter-testamental and apocalyptic books, the specific features of the apocalyptic literature is being discussed. The Book of revelation is then introduced, discussing matters related to its authorship, date of writing, pastoral relevance, etc. A through reading of the book is done in the class, paying attention to most of the difficult passages. A theology of the Book too is attempted. References There are good number of commentaries, both exegetical and pastoral. Any good commentary is of use.…

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SSS 513 Book of Hebrews

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thomas Vadakkel Aim This course gives a short introduction to the book of Hebrews. The writer of Hebrews continually makes mention of the superiority of Christ in both His personage and in His ministering work. In the writings of the Old Testament, we understand the rituals and ceremonies of Judaism symbolically pointed to the coming of Messiah. The superiority of Jesus over angels. Moses and Joshua is stated in the first chapters. The new priesthood, the new covenant and the new sacrifice are discussed in the following chapters. This gives courage to hold fast to the promptings of the Spirit and stand firm in persecutions…

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SSS 512 Major & Minor Letters of St. Paul

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 06 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thomas Vadakkel Aim The course on the Letters of St. Paul (placed in two semesters) takes the student to a closer understanding of the person of Paul the Apostle and his mission and vision. All the letters are introduced in the class and by the end of the course, the student is supposed to be capable ofunderstanding clearly the Pauline perspectives. The first few classes discuss the introductory materials, such as the nature of Pauline Letters, the Person of Paul. etc. The first part of the course concentrates on the Major Epistles (Romans. 1 & 2 Corinthians and Galatians). The second part of the course…

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SSS 511 Acts of the Apostles and Introduction to Pauline Letters

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thomas Vadakkel Aim This course on the second volume of Luke aims at familiarising the students with the life of the early Church. This course includes the discussion on the book of the Acts of the Apostles as the fulfilment of Acts 1.8; ecclesiology of the Acts; Pentecost; apostolic kerygma; life style of the early Christian community; role of St Peter in the early Church; council of Jerusalem; St Paul, the apostle of the gentiles; his missionary journeys. References Haenchen. E.. The Acts of the Apostles. A Commentary (Philadelphia- Oxford 1971). Fitzmyer. J. A.. The Acts of the Apostles (New York 1998). John Chrysostom. Homiliae…

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SSS 510 Johannine Gospel and Epistles

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 03 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Andrews Mekkattukunnel Aim This course on the third Gospel aims at preparing the students to experience the person of Jesus of Nazareth as presented by the evangelist Luke. The following themes are discussed in this course: Luke’s vision of the history of salvation and two-volume work; exegetical analysis of the first two chapters of the Gospel; Mary in Luke; the figure of John the Baptist; Jesus: the mercy of God incarnate; programmatic speech of Jesus in the synagogue of Nazareth; salvation and forgiveness of sins; Gospel of the holy Spirit, of joy. of women, of prayer and praise; on the way to Jerusalem with Jesus;…

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