Diploma Course in Ecclesiastical Tribunal Praxis

The diploma course in Ecclesiastical Tribunal Praxis is intended to qualify students to serve in those posts in ecclesiastical tribunals for which a degree of licentiate in Canon Law is not required. Those who have completed the course successfully will be conferred an appropriate diploma by the Institute, signed by the Vice-Chancellor, the Moderator, the Director, and the Registrar.

The content of the course will be:

  1. Grounds of nullity of marriage: impediments; defects of consent; lack of canonical form;
  2. Trials: trials in general; discipline to be observed in tribunals; parties in a case; contentious trial; introduction of a case; hearing; discussion; definitive judgment and administrative tribunal;
  3. Matrimonial process: cases concerning the declaration of nullity of marriage; cases concerning the separation of spouses; dissolution of marriage ratum et non-consummatum;
  4. Indian civil law on marriage: Indian Christian Marriage Act; Hindu Marriage Act; Muslim Marriage Law; Indian Civil Law on personal law.

Post Graduate Diploma Course in Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence

Purpose and Nature of the Course

This one year course intends to make the ministers of law equipped to respond to the various needs of the Church by helping them:

  • To assume various roles in an ecclesiastical tribunal
  • To serve in the eparchial curia and/or in the Institutes of
  • Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic L ife
  • To teach Canon Law with the updated practical application

Requirements for Admission

Licentiate or doctorate in Canon Law.

A letter of authorization from the competent ecclesiastical authority.

Course fee: Rs. 20,000/- (including boarding)

Academic Title

Post Graduate Diploma in Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence

Course Arrangements

Lectures and Practical on two days a week (Tuesday & Wednesday, 7hrs/day).

Course Details


  • Introduction to various ecclesiastical trials (21 hrs. /11Z> cr.)
  • Motu Proprio Mitis et Misericors Jesus and Short Process (14 hrs./1 cr.)
  • Eparchial procedure for the dissolution of the matrimonial bond (14 hrs./I cr.)
  • Penal procedures: The documents and procedure in the cases (Delicta gravi ora, Sacramentorum Sanctitatis tutela, Mad re amarevole, Vos estis Lux mundi) (35 hrs. !2Vi cr.)
  • POCSO and Safe environment programme of the Church (21 hrs. /I V2 cr.)
  • Observance of civil law in the administration of Church temporalities and functioning of registered societies (14 hrs./I cr.)
  • Religious: In contentious or penal trials and sanctions; procedures of exclaustration and dismissal of a religious (28 hrs. / 2 cr.)
  • Declaration of nullity of the sacred ordination and process for dispensation from the obligation of celibacy (14 hrs./1 cr.)
  • Administration of justice in Major Archiepiscopal Tribunals, Roman Rota and Apostolic Signature (21 hrs. /I!6 cr.)
  • Judicial procedure and various grounds in cases of matrimonial nullity I (35hrs. /2!6cr.)


  • Judicial procedure and various grounds in cases of matrimonial nullity II (35 hrs./2tecr.)
  • Anthropological and medical questions in marriage cases: Those who are incapable of giving proper consent (21 hrs. /11/2 cr.)
  • Competence and functioning of different dicasteries of Apostolic See (21 hrs./116 cr.)
  • Apostolic Penitentiary and its functions: Absolution of reserved sins and the procedure to get this absolution (14 hrs. /1 cr.)
  • The practice of instruction of cases in eparchial tribunals (15 days: 105 hrs.)
  • Appeals and Recourses: Study and Practice (5 days: 35 hrs.)
  • Visit and study of the functioning of the Major Archiepiscopal Ordinary Tribunal (14 hrs.).

Additional Requirements

Besides the above given lecture classes students have to do assignments/practice on each topic according to the direction of the professor.

Course Program

  • One credit = 14 hrs.
  • First Semester = 16 weeks = 32 days = 224 hrs.
  • Second Semester = 18 weeks = 36 days = 252 hrs.
  • Total 34 weeks = 68 days = 476 hrs.

According to the present distribution of hours:

  • 1 st sem:217 hrs.
  • 2nd sem: 245 hrs.
  • 14 hrs. are reserved for meeting the unforeseen contingencies like holidays and other inconveniences.

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