Fifty first convocation ceremony was conducted on January 08, 2025…
Paurastya Vidyapitham offers a diverse range of programmes in the ecclesiastical disciplines of Theology, Philosophy, and Canon Law
for Priests, Seminarians, Religious, and the Laity
Faculty of Theology
The Faculty offers Baccalaureate, Licentiate and Doctoral Programmes in Theology, with special emphasis on the Syriac tradition
Institute of Eastern Canon Law
Aggregated to Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, the Institute offers Licentiate Program in Eastern Canon Law
Institute of Philosophy
The Autonomous Institute offers
Baccalaureate and Diploma in Philosophy
Eparchies &
Public Defence of Doctoral Dissertation by Rev. Fr. Palavilayil John
Rev. Fr. Palavilayil John Samuel OIC successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled Interdependence between Christological, Ecclesiological, and Missiological Vision of…
Inauguration of the Academic Year 2024-25
The Inaugural meeting of the Academic Year 2024-25 of Paurastya Vidyapitham was held on 03 June 2024 at 10.00 a.m….