The aim of this course is to introduce justice and truthfulness in the Catholic tradition; and to address specific topics related to the discipline as a whole. We deal with the following themes in this course: Introduction to Justice; Western and Eastern philosophical and theological Concept of Justice; Justice in view of Ownership and Property – modes of acquiring ownership, violation of justice. Restitution for the violation of Justice; The significance of Truthfulness; Justice and Its Application; Charitable Justice.
- Thomas. Srampickal & Jogi Chirayil. To Act Justly and Deal Honestly (Thrissur: Marymatha Publications. 2008).
- Giorgio. Del Vecchio. Justice: A Historical and Philosophical Essay, trans. Lady Guthrie, ed. A. H. Campbell (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 1952).
- Robert. Gnuse. You shall not steal (New York: ORBIS. 1985).
- Thomas. Slater. A Manual of Moral Theology (New York: Benziger Brothers. 1908).