We begin our discussion by explaining how the Christian apologists of the pre-medieval period defended their faith against the heretics by making use of Greek philosophical concepts and confidently attempting a harmonious blend of faith and reason. We discuss in some detail the philosophy of the great medieval thinkers such as St. Augustine, Boethius, St. Anselm of Canterbury, St. Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus and William of Ockham. We also present the ideas of Avicenna, Al-Ghazali, Averroes and Moses Maimonides.
- Gilson, E., History of Christian Philosophy in the Middle Ages, London, 1955.
- Copleston, F., A History of Philosophy: Medieval Philosophy, Vol. 2, New York, 1993.
- Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Fides et ratio, Vatican, 1998.
- Magill, F., Masterpieces of World Philosophy in Summary Form, London, 1963.
- Mondin, B., A History of Medieval Philosophy, Bangalore, 1998.