The aim of this course is to familiarize Syriac theological literature of Christian antiquity. We deal with the following themes here: (1) Odes of Solomon (2) Erroneous teachings of Bardaisan (3) Acts of Thomas (4) Bible in the Syriac tradition (5) Early Syriac Monasticism: Jacob of Nisibis (6) Aphrahat: 23 Demonstrations (7) Ephrem: His Works. Theology of Imageries. Poetic style. Theology of Baptism and Eucharist (8) Book of Steps (9) School of Antioch: Diodore of Tarsus; Theodore of Mopsuestia: Christology and the method of exegesis; Theodore! of Cyrus: Christology (10) History of the School of Edessa/Nisibis: Narsai: liturgical homilies; Babai the Great: Christology (11) West Syriac tradition: Jacob of Sarooq (12) Isaac of Nineveh.
- Beggiani. S.J.. Early Syriac Theology (Lanham 1983)
- Brock. SIP.. A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature (Kottayam 1997).
- The Luminous Eye: The Spiritual World Vision of St. Ephrem (Kalamazoo 1992).
- Ortiz de Urbina. I.. Patrologia Syriaca, 2nd ed. (Roma 1965).Wallace-Hadrill. D.S.. Christian Antioch: A Study of Early Christian Thought in the East (Cambridge 1982).