Paurastya Vidyapitham
P.B. No. 01, Vadavathoor
Kottayam, 686 010
Email Id : tvadakkel@gmail.com
- “Vishudhiyum Vishudharum Francis Marpappayude Darshanangalil”, The Light: Catholic Doctrines Simplified, E Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2022 January), 1-8.
- “Fratelli Tutti”, Pratheekshayude Poomottukal, Vol. 40, Nos. 1-7 (2021-2022).
- “Synodality and Participation” – Guest Editorial, Word & Worship, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2022 June- September).
- “Synodality and Communion” – Guest Editorial, Word & Worship, Vol. 55, No. 4 (2022 October- December), 239-242.
- “Thathwasasthravum Daivasasthravum,” Jeevadhara, Vol. 35, No. 208 (2005), 221-232.
- “An Analysis of Paul’s Image of the Body of Christ in Lumen Gentium, 7:1-3.” in Revisiting Vatican II: 50 Years of Renewal, Vol. II. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2015, 183-196.
- “Mariyam: Theotokos-Christotokos,” Mathadarshanam, Vol. 49, No. 3 (2017), 5-22.
- “The Meaning of houtos kai ho Christos in 1 Cor 12:12e,” Bible Bhashyam, Vol. 43. No. 3 (2017), 96-112.
- “Dhanyan Kadalikkattil Mathayi Achanum Daivavily Prothsahanavum” in Hrudayamkondu Thottavan, Pala: S.H. Publications, 2017, 122-130.
- “Sathyam: Vishudhagranda Kazhchappadiloode,” Jeevadhara, Vol. 48. No. 285 (2018), 27-36.
- “Swavargabhogam: Puthiyaniyama Kazhchapaadil” in Swavarga Laimgeekatha: Christava Dharmeeka Dharshanam, Vadavathoor: OIRSI, 2018, 50-60.
- “Nithyapurohithanaya Eesho Hebraya Lekhana Bhashyathil,” Bible Bhashyam, Vol.48, No. 4 (2018), 28-40.
- “Nithyapurohithanaya Eesho,” Aikyadeepam 43, no. 1 (2019), 7-11.
- “Biblical Reflections,” Smart Companion, Vol. 11, Nos. 5-7 (2020).
- “Christus Vivit,” Pratheekshayude Poomottukal, Vol. 38, Nos. 7-9 (2020).
- “Vachananalam,” Deepanalam Weekly, Vol. 53, Nos. 34-39 (2020-21).
- “Vachanavichinthanam,” Thiruvachanam 2021, Ernakulam: St. Paul’s Publications, 2021.
- “Thiruhrudaya Thirunnal,” in 101 Prasangangal, ed. Joy Chencheril. Kochi: Emmaus Publications, 2021, 208-209.
- POC Padana Bible – Apposthola Pravarthanangal, Lekhanangal, Velipat, Kochi: POC Publications, 2020.
- “Suvishesha Bhagyangalude Vyakhyanam (Mathai 5:1-12)” Bible Bhashyam Vol. 51, No. 1 (2021 March) 42-57.
- “Nithyajeevan Eeshoyil Viswasikkunnavarkku” Snehadhara. Vol. 13, No. 9 (2021 April), 20-22.
- “Ningaloru Sahodaranano?”, Deepanalam Vol. 54, No. 28 (2021 October) 1-7.
- “Vishudhiyum Vishudharum Francis Marpappayude Darshanangalil”, The Light: Catholic Doctrines Simplified, E Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2022 January), 1-8.
- “Fratelli Tutti”, Pratheekshayude Poomottukal, Vol. 40, Nos. 1-7 (2021-2022).
- “Synodality and Participation” – Guest Editorial, Word & Worship, Vol. 55, No. 3 (2022 June- September).
- “Synodality and Communion” – Guest Editorial, Word & Worship, Vol. 55, No. 4 (2022 October- December), 239-242.
- Vadakkel, T. (2013). A Rereading of Paul’s Image of the Body of Christ in Lumen Gentium 7:1-3 Focusing on 1 Cor 12:12-27. Revisiting Vatican II: 50 Years of Renewal. Dharmaram Vidhya Kshethram, Bangalore.
- Vadakkel, T. (2015). Paul’s Image of the Body of Christ in 1 Cor 12:12-27, Paurastya Vidhyapitham, St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary Vadavathoor, Kottayam, India
- Vadakkel, T. (2015). Rereading Paul and the Body (1 Cor 12:12-27) from a Hellenistic Perspective, St. Joseph’s Pontifical Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Mangalapuzha, Alwaye, India.
- Vadakkel, T. (2017). Paul and the Body, Paurastya Vidhyapitham, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, India. Vadakkel, T (2018), Greco-Roman Literature and Culture in Corpus Paulinum, International Conference on Literature and Culture, St. Thomas College Pala, MG University
From Division to Unity in Diversity: An Exegetical Analysis of the Image of the Body of Christ in 1 Cor 12:12-27 With Special Attention to the Ecclesial and Ethical Dimensions of the Image in its Literary and Historical Contexts.