OAS 302 Scientific Phenomenology

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S3 Credits : 2 Teacher : Dr Maramattam Xavier Aim Teilhard de Chardin’s attempt to respond to the quest of modern humans is exposed in this course. Christianity and Science, especially the theory of evolution, thus come to an interplay in Teilhardian Weltanschauung and Spirituality. At the outset the predicament of modern humans is enunciated; then, various stages of Cosmogenesis, viz., geogenesis, biogenesis, anthropogenesis, socialization and point omega are discussed. Since the future of Cosmogenesis depends on the right vision and action of the humans, his vision of life (spirituality) is also analyzed in the context of the divine milieu. References De Chardin, T., The Phenomenon of Man (1965) Chantraine S J G.,…

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OAS 303 Eco-Philosophy

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S5 Credits : 02 Teacher : rev. Dr Maramattam Xavier Aim Eco-philosophy is a philosophical study of ecological harmony and equilibrium that exists in this world. This course starts with explaining the notion of Ecology, Ecosophy and the scope of Eco-philosophy. Then we expose some of the important Ecological crises like Pollution, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Deforestation, Erosion of Fertile Soil, the Bio-diversity Crisis and its causes such as, Anthropocentrism, Cartesian Dualism, Modernism, etc. A philosophical outlook towards nature consisted of both Western and Eastern traditions such as, the Greek wisdom, Mechanical philosophy of nature in the middle ages, logical positivism, New vision of physics, the Taoist world view, Buddhist world view, Hindu…

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OBS 106 Epistemology (Philosophy of Knowledge)

Program : Baccalaureate in Philosophy Semester : S4 Credits : 07 Teacher : rev. Dr Maramattam Xavier Aim This topic is an inquiry into the nature, origin and possibility of true and certain knowledge. We begin with a discussion on the reasons for considering epistemology as a foundational treatise in philosophy, which is followed by an in-depth analysis of some important themes such as (1) the nature of knowledge, (2) conditions for knowledge, (3) theories of truth, (4) sources of knowledge, (5) epistemology and hermeneutics (6) knowledge and society and (7) religious knowledge. References Audi, R., Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, 3rd ed., London, 2011. Karuvelil, G., Epistemology, Pune, 1997. Therukaattil, G., In Quest of Truth,…

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