OS 601 Italian/Sanskrit

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S2 Credits : 3 Teacher : MANGALATHIL George/ KADUPPIL Roy Joseph Contents Pronunciation, grammar (basic and advanced levels), explaining Italian texts. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OLR 401 Basic Latin

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1, S2 Credits : 18 Teacher : KADUPPIL Roy Contents Elementary Latin expressions. Latin pronunciation. Basic grammar. Noun, adjective, (declensions) verb (conjugations) etc. Active voice, Passive voice. Simple Latin sentences. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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PS 202 Recourse Against Administrative Decrees (Title XXII)

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : First Cycle Credits : 2 Teacher : KADUPPIL Roy Joseph Contents What is an administrative decree and how to draft them, competent authorities, and the procedure to make recourse against them. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OAS 301 Canon Law in the Life of the Church

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1 Credits : 3 Teacher : KADUPPIL Roy Joseph Contents Sacred Scripture and Law; basic notions and principles in Canon Law; development of Canon Law from the early centuries; canons of the ancient and modern councils: an overview. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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