Canon Law Religious

Program : : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S3 Credits : 2 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor James Aim Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OBS 863 Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Credits : 3 Teacher : Thalacheloor J Aim This course is to familiarize the students the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church, which includes the discussion of Major archbishop, metropolitan, bishops, exarchs and the organs assisting the eparchial bishop in the governance of the eparchy, clerics, evangelization of nations, divine worship and especially sacraments, feast and penance, marriage, acquisition and administration of temporal goods, laws onbaptized non-Catholic coming into full communion with the Catholic church, ecumenism, palliyogam- procedure rules. References Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches'. The Code of Canon Law Particular Laws of the Syro-Malabar Church (in Synodal News Vol. 11. no. 1 May 2003). Coriden James. Green Thomas. Heintschel Donald,…

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OAS 316 Code of Particular of the Syro-Malabar Church

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : Second Cycle Credits : 3 Teacher : THALACHELLOOR James Contents : The particular laws promulgated for the Syro-Malabar Church, published in Code of Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church, Kochi, 2013. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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PS 208 Evangelization of People, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Baptized non-Catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church and Ecumenism (Titles XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII)

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : Credits : 3 Teacher : THALACHELLOOR James Contents Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OAS 303 Juridical Methodology

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1 Credits : 2 Teacher : THALACHELLOOR James Contents It is an introductory course for initiating the students to scientific research. Characteristics of scientific work. Dispositions of the research students. Editorial style and method of writing licentiate and doctoral dissertations and other scientific papers with special attention to the field of law. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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CLS 714 Clerics, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Temporal Goods, Penal Laws

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor J. Aim This course is to familiarize the students the ecclesiastical magisterium. temporal goods and penal laws on the basis of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church to the students. The following themes are discussed in this course: The teaching function of the Church in general, the ministry of the word of God. preaching of the word of God. catechetical formation, catholic education, schools, especially catholic schools, catholic universities, ecclesiastical universities and faculties, instruments of social communications and specifically books (Title xv cc 595-666). The temporal goods of the church, acquisitions of temporal goods,…

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CLS 713 Religious

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor James Aim This course is to familiarize the students sacraments, ecumenism and religious on the basis of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church. The following themes are discussed in this course: Baptism, chrismation with holy myron. divine Eucharist, sacrament of penance, anointing of the sick, sacred ordination, sacramentals. sacred times and places, veneration of the saints, vow and oath (Title xvi cc 675-775.867-895). Monks and other religious, monasteries, orders and congregations, societies of common life according to the manner of religious, secular institutes, other forms of consecrated life (Title xii cc. 410-572). Ecumenism (Title…

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