OBS 854 Theology of Women

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Sr. Linta S.H. Aim The course aims at an understanding and analysis of the present reality of Indian women as an affected group. It begins with a brief discussion on the negativities experienced by women and critically examines patriarchy, its value system, institutional manifestations, and its adverse impact on men and women. The alternative vision emerging from a feminist worldview based on the Gospels is presented which highlights participatory approach, caring, sharing, equality and mutuality. The course introduces the student to Christian Feminism which includes feminist theology, hermeneutics, spirituality, ethics and empowerment of women in the society. References Datar. Chhaya. The Struggle Against Violence, Calcutta: Mandira Sen…

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OBS 853 Islamology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Pennaparambil J. Aim This course is indented to provide a basic knowledge about Islam and its teachings. The course mainly deals with the following themes: pre- Islamic Arabia; Caliphate. Muslim practices. Traditions. Muslim law. Muslim sects. Festivals. Islam in India, and woman in Islam. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OBS 852 Homiletics

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 3 Teacher : Muriyankavunkal D. Aim The course focuses at the outset on the “Theology of Preaching”, especially against the background of the vision of II Vatican Council Documents. Then the qualities of a homilist, the characteristics of good homilies and the structure of a homily are treated in detail. General practical tips as regards the preparation of the homilies, mastery over the matter to be preached, style of presentation on the altar and on other pulpits and the ways of evaluating homilies are also discussed. References Waznak. R. P. An Introduction to the Homily (Minnesota. 1998). Friedl. F.P. & Macauley. ed.. Homilies Alive (Connecticut. 1994). Mankuzhikaiy. M ..Pravachaka dharmam.…

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OBS 851 Hermeneutics

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Vadakkel T. Aim The word Hermeneutics means “the art and science of the interpretation of literature.” In our case. Biblical literature is what we are interpreting. This course will equip the student to approach the Word of God more seriously, scientifically andpastorally. The Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum, the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s Document. Interpretation of the Bible in the Church and the Post Synodal Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI Verbum Domini are analysed in the class. Basic principles of Catholic Interpretation of the Scripture in the light of the PB C document is studied in detail. References Added to the above Magisterial Documents, few articles from the NJBC…

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OSS 811 Patrology: Syriac Fathers

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 3 Teacher : Kollamkulam A. Aim The aim of this course is to familiarize Syriac theological literature of Christian antiquity. We deal with the following themes here: (1) Odes of Solomon (2) Erroneous teachings of Bardaisan (3) Acts of Thomas (4) Bible in the Syriac tradition (5) Early Syriac Monasticism: Jacob of Nisibis (6) Aphrahat: 23 Demonstrations (7) Ephrem: His Works. Theology of Imageries. Poetic style. Theology of Baptism and Eucharist (8) Book of Steps (9) School of Antioch: Diodore of Tarsus; Theodore of Mopsuestia: Christology and the method of exegesis; Theodore! of Cyrus: Christology (10) History of the School of Edessa/Nisibis: Narsai: liturgical homilies; Babai the Great: Christology (11)…

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OSS 810 Patrology: Latin Fathers

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Credits : 3 Teacher : Kuzhuppil T. Aim The aim of this course is to familiarize life, works and theology of the Latin Fathers. This course begins with the discussion on the theological reflections of Tertullian of Carthage (d. Ca. 220). and ends with Gregory the Great (d. 604) and Isidore of Seville (d. 636). There is a description of the ecclesiological vision of Cyprian of Carthage. Following it. there is a discussion on the contributions of four great Latin Fathers: Ambrose. Jerome. Augustine and Gregory the Great. Trinitarian mystery explained by Novation and Hilary of Poitiers, writings of Ambrosiaster and Christology of Leo I. are other themes. We conclude with the description…

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OSS 809 Patrology: Introduction and Greek Fathers

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Kuzhuppil T. Aim The aim of this course is to introduce life, works and theology of the Greek Fathers. It consists of two parts. Part I: the concept, necessary qualifications of the Fathers of the Church, history of Patrology, language of the Fathers, sources, collection of the texts and modem critical editions. Part II: (1) The Apostolic Fathers (2) The Greek Apologists (Justin. Athenagoras. Theophilus of Antioch) (3) Irenaeus. Clement of Alexandria. Origen. Hippolytus (4) Athanasios. Eusebius of Caesarea. Cyril of Jerusalem. Cappadocian Fathers: Basil. Gregory of Nazianzus. Gregory of Nyssa; Didymus the Blind (5) John Chrysostom. Cyril of Alexandria (6) John Damascene. The Holy Trinity. Mystery of…

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OSS 808 History of Christianity in India

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim In the very first century of the Christian era Christianity reached India due to St. Thomas. From the 5th century Indian Church fostered contact with the Church of the East.. In the 16 century due to the Portuguese. Latin rite is introduced in India. Passing through various phases the Indian Christianity today remains a complex one with different rites, different Churches and different regional differences. The complex nature of India with different cultures, languages, religions and other socio-political and economic factors gives Indian Christianity a very different history. The scope of this course is to know how Christianity stood the tide of…

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STS 607 Triune God

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochuparambil V. Aim The aim of the course is to introduce the student of theology to the Christian understanding of the mystery of triune God and help him to know, love and experience the mystery of trinitarian love. The course projects the limitations of human intellect and words and focuses attention on prayer or worship as the primary locus of understanding God. The course, then.discusses the data of revelation from scripture and tradition to offer a genuine understanding of the Trinitarian faith and Trinitarian doctrine of the Church. References Bobrinskoy B.. The Mystery of the Trinity (New York. 1999). Lossky. V.. The Mystical Theology of…

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