MTS 702 Justice and Truthfulness

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Scaria Kanniyakonil Aim The aim of this course is to introduce justice and truthfulness in the Catholic tradition; and to address specific topics related to the discipline as a whole. We deal with the following themes in this course: Introduction to Justice; Western and Eastern philosophical and theological Concept of Justice; Justice in view of Ownership and Property - modes of acquiring ownership, violation of justice. Restitution for the violation of Justice; The significance of Truthfulness; Justice and Its Application; Charitable Justice. References Thomas. Srampickal & Jogi Chirayil. To Act Justly and Deal Honestly (Thrissur: Marymatha Publications. 2008). Giorgio. Del Vecchio. Justice: A Historical and…

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MTS 701 Fundamental Moral Theology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Dominic Vechoor Aim This course will initiate the students into the vast and wide world of Catholic moral theology. This course will explain the different fundamental concepts and principles of Catholic moral theology so that the students may become capable of objectively evaluating the various moral issues of today and of arriving at right moral decisions in the light of Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church. The entire course is divided into two parts, distributed in two semesters. In part one. we will deal with the introductory notions on moral theology, biblical vision of morality, human act and moral laws. In part…

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STS 613 Eschatology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Sebastian Chalackal Aim The aim of the course is to lead the students into a theological awareness about the final goal of man and of the universe. Important Themes Discussed in the Course includes the definition, division and the sources of Eschatology. Important Aspects of the Old Testament and New Testament Eschatology, death. Particular Judgment. Prayers for the dead. Heaven. Hell. Parousia and the end of the World, the resurrection of the dead, the eschatological judgment and the new creation and eternal life. References Balthasar. H. U. von. Dare We Hope that All Men be Saved?. San Francisco. 1988. Congregation for the Doctrine of the…

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STS 612 Ecclesiology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S5 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Varghese Kochuparampil Aim The course introduces to the students the need and relevance of study about God and His mysteries in order to understand oneself, others and the world. It also aims at enabling them to familiarize with the foundations of theology, sources of theology and the contemporary trends in theology. References German. R. (ed). An Introduction to Catholic Theology. New York. 1998 McGrath. A. E.. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Oxford. 2001; O’Collins. G. Fundamental Theology. London. 1981 O’Donnell. J ..Introduction to the Dogmatic Theology. Rome. 1994; Pathil. K. & Vcliath. D...1// Introduction to Theology. Bangalore. 2003. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of…

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STS 611 Mariology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Varghese Kochuparambil Aim Aim of the Course is to understand the development of Mariology till Vat II; Fathers of the Church and Marian documents of the Popes. Themes such as Mary in the Bible. The virginity of Mary, before, during and after; Mary’s special place in the plan of salvation; Mary the type of the Church; Immaculate Conception and Assumption will be studied in detail. Marian Devotions and Apparitions are also studied in the class. References Aerthayil. .1.. The Spiritual Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians. Bangalore. 1982. Brown. R. E.. The Churches the Apostles Left Behind. New York. 1984. Congar. Y. M. -J.. Lay…

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STS 610 Grace and Pneumatology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Dominic Muriyankavunkal Aim The aim of the Course is to familiarize the person of the Holy Spirit and His activity in the work of salvation. It enables to understand His activity in every Christian and in the Church at large. The Course is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the Person of the Holy Spirit, the evolution of the concept both in the Scriptures and in the Sacred Tradition. The second part discusses the concept of sanctifying grace, the activity of the Spirit in a believer. It discusses in detail both God’s initiative and a corresponding response that is to be given…

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STS 609 Eucharist

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S6 Credits : 4 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Muriyankavunkal Dominic Aim The aim of the course is to help the students to study, appreciate and experience the great mystery of Eucharist and to live this mystery in their lives. After presenting the Old Testament types of the Eucharist, course mainly concentrates on Eucharist in the New Testament. Eucharistic theology during the Middle Ages. Modern Theological Reflections on Eucharistic Presence such as Transfinalization and Transingnification References Bermejo. L. M.. Body Broken and Blood Shed. Anand. 1986. Jeremias. J.. The Eucharistic Words of Jesus. New York. 1966. Kodell. J.. The Eucharist in the New Testament. Wilmington. 1988. Power. D. N., The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalizing the…

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STS 608 Christology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Karukakalam Thomas Aim The purpose of the Course is to study, understand and live the person and the mystery of Jesus Christ from biblical, theological, dogmatic and pastoral perspectives. The course introduces to the students the different Christologies in the New Testament, the Christological teachings of the Fathers of the Church and the first Ecumenical Councils of the Church and the medieval, modem and contemporary approaches to Christology. The course also deals with different Christological mysteries like the preexistence of Jesus, the incarnation of Jesus and the uniqueness of Jesus. References Kasper. W.. Jesus the Christ, New York. 1976 O’ Collins. G. Christology: A Biblical,…

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STS 606 Introduction to Theology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 1.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochuparampil Varghese Aim The course introduces to the students the need and relevance of study about God and His mysteries in order to understand oneself, others and the world. It also aims at enabling them to familiarize with the foundations of theology, sources of theology and the contemporary trends in theology. References German. R. (ed). An Introduction to Catholic Theology. New York. 1998 McGrath. A. E.. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Oxford. 2001; O’Collins. G. Fundamental Theology. London. 1981 O’Donnell. J ..Introduction to the Dogmatic Theology. Rome. 1994; Pathil. K. & Vcliath. D...1// Introduction to Theology. Bangalore. 2003. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of…

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STS 605 Revelation & Faith

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Arun Kalamattathil Aim The Course presents the unique concept of Revelation and its counterpart. Faith, according to Christian theology. It aims at having an understanding of how the Scripture and the Tradition visualize God’s selfdisclosure. in view of the salvation of man. and how man is expected to respond to it. The course is presented in two sections. The first section deals with the concept of revelation according to both OT and NT. with its historical, experiential, interpersonal and communitarian character, which is followed by the Patristic and scholastic concepts of revelation. It also deals with the different philosophical systems of thought that form the…

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