Program :

Baccalaureate in Theology

Semester :


Credits :


Teacher :

Rev. Fr. Thalachelloor J.


This course is to familiarize the students the ecclesiastical magisterium. temporal goods and penal laws on the basis of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches and the particular law of the Syro-Malabar Church to the students. The following themes are discussed in this course: The teaching function of the Church in general, the ministry of the word of God. preaching of the word of God. catechetical formation, catholic education, schools, especially catholic schools, catholic universities, ecclesiastical universities and faculties, instruments of social communications and specifically books (Title xv cc 595-666). The temporal goods of the church, acquisitions of temporal goods, the administration of ecclesiastical goods, contracts and especially alienations, pious wills and pious foundations (Title xxiii cc. 1007-1054). Penal sanctions in the church, delicts and penalties in general, penalties of individual delicts (Title xxvii cc. 1401-1467). The procedure for imposing penalties. The penal trial and extra judicial decree (Title xxviii cc 1468-1485).