- General Norms
- Examination will be conducted at the end of each semester for the courses that have been completed during the semester. Students will be examined not only on the basis of lectures given in the class as specified in the prospectus, but also based on the literature related to the subject assigned for private and personal study.
- No student shall be allowed to enroll:
1) For the examination of a subject if a student he has not attended the required number of classes and 2) For the examination for Certificate, Diploma and Degree if he has not been successful in all courses and exercises of the respective cycles.
- For special courses evaluation may be made immediately at the end of the courses.
- Repetition of Exams: If anyone fails in a subject, the examination in the respective subject shall be repeated. Such examinations shall be conducted at the beginning of the following semester. The examinations that are deferred for other reasons shall be conducted at the time fixed by the President. Those who fail in degree examinations may repeat the examination only once, at the end of the following semester.