Paurastya Vidyapitham
P.B. No. 01, Vadavathoor
Kottayam, 686 010
Email Id : jthalachellor@gmail.com
“A Response to the Guideline on Pastoral Ministry in India”, in Eastern Legal Thought (2022) 2141-150.
- “Religious Institutes, Societies, Secular Institute and Pious Unions”, Homage to Mar Cariattil (ed.) Charles Payngott (Rome1987) 142-157.
- “The Syro-Malabar Church: hundred year’s growth at a glance”, Homage to Mar Cariattil (Rome 1987) 164-165.
- “Religious among the St. Thomas Christians and the Canonical Legislation on Religious of Oriental Churches”, Christian Orient 13, 1 (March 1992) 49-65.
- “Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church”, Syro-Malabar Church Since the Eastern Code (ed.) Francis Eluvathingal (Rome 2002) 94-109.
- Formation of Religious Women in the Syro-Malabar Church with Special Reference to the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (Extract of the Doctoral Dissertation) Kottayam, 2005.
- “Ex Officio Membership in the College of Consultors: the Mind of the Legislator” Oriental Canon Law Studies(ed) Lawrence Paruthapara OFM Cap.,(Bharananganam 2006)54-55.
- “The Particular laws of the Syro-Malabar Church” Oriental Canon Law Studies: A Study on the Particular Laws of the Syro Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church (ed) Michael Vattappalam (Bharananganam 2007) 38-50.
- “Evolution of the Present Canonical Legislation on the Formation of Religious Women in the Oriental Churches”, Eastern Legal Thought (ed.) Mathew Kochupurackal (Kochi 2008) 78-101.
- “Religious among the St. Thomas Christians, Early Evidences”, Kynanaya Light: A Festschrift in honour of Revd Dr Jacob Kollaparambil, (ed) George Karukaparambil (Bangalore 2009) 291-303.”
- Book Review: Saju Augustine, Formation of Religious Priests, Bangalore 2009 in Eastern Legal Thought (2009) 202-203.
- “Palliyogam among the St. Thomas Christians” Mar Thoma Margam, The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians (ed.) Andrews Mekkattukunnel (Kottayam 2012) 891-899.
- Mar Thoma Margam, The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians, Section editor (Kottayam 2012) 737-984.
- “The Ecclesiological Awakening of Second Vatican Council and its Impact on Syro-Malabar Church”, Festschrift in honour of Archbishop Joseph Powathil, (ed) Thomas Padiyath (Delhi 2013)187-204.
- “Code of Particular Laws of the Syro-Malabar Church: An appraisal”, Syro-Malabar Church 25 Years in Major Archiepiscopal Status: Growth, Renewal and Orientation,(ed) Peter Kannampuzha (Kochi 2019) 75-87.
- “Objections and Resistance against Self-Governance and Rightful Jurisdiction of the Orientals in India.” Qanona 4 (2019):106-120.
- “Regulae Iuris (Rules of Law): A Tool for the Interpretation of Penal Laws in the Codes of Canon Law.” Qanona 5 (2020):56-64, 260-278.
- “A Response to the Guideline on Pastoral Ministy in India”, in Eastern Legal Thought (2022) 2141-150.
Formation of Religious Women in the Syro-Malabar Church with Special Reference to the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel.