Paurastya Vidyapitham
P.B. No. 01, Vadavathoor
Kottayam, 686 010


Assistant Professor of Canon Law

  • Profile
  • CV
  • Literary
  • Dissertation


Name :


James Joseph Thalachelloor

Address :


Paurastya Vidyapitham
Vadavathoor P.O.
Kottayam 686 010
Kerala, India

Email Id :

Email Id

Contact No :

Contact No

Ordination Day :

Ordination Day

31 March 1980

Nationality :



Languages :

Languages Known

Malayalam, English, Italian, German and Latin.

Status of Life :

Status of Life

Catholic Diocesan Priest of the Syro-Malabar Church, Diocese of Kanjirappally, Kerala, India.


Qualifications from
Secular Universities

From Secular Universities

Minor Seminary
Studies &
Major Seminary

Minor Seminary Studies & Major Seminary Studies

St. Joseph’s Seminary, Mangalore

Qualifications From
Ecclesial Universities

From Ecclesial Universities

B.Th., Licentiate in Canon Law and Doctorate in Oriental Canon Law, Oriental Institute, Rome



Current Position

Professor, Institute of Eastern Canon Law, Vadavathoor (2017 –   )


Teaching Experience

Nirmala Theological College, Kanjirapally 1990-2000
Mar Thoma Vidyanikethan, Changanacherry, 1992-2005
Dhrmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore 2000-2006, 2012-
Paurastya Vidyāpīṭham, Kottayam 2006-.
Missionary Orientation Centre, Kottayam 2007-
Institute of Eastern Canon Law 2017-


Administrative Positions

Assistant Parish Priest at St. Mary’s Church Anickad in the Diocese of Kanjirapally from April 1980-July 1980
Secretary to the Bishop of Kanjirapally 1980-1984
Chancellor of the Diocese of Kanjirapally 1990-2005
Secretary to the Synodal Commission for the formulation the Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church 1990-2004
Syncellus of the Diocese of Kanjirapally 2001- June 2005
Teach Canon Law at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary from June 2005
Dean of Studies at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam from June 2005-2010
Defender of Bond at Major Archiepiscopal Tribunal from 2005-2010
Judge Major Arhiepiscopal Tribunal 2010-
Vice President, Paurastya Vidyāpīṭham 2011-2017
Director, Institute of Eastern Canon Law 2017-2023

Service at PVP

Administrative Service at PVP

Dean of Studies at St. Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Kottayam from June 2005-2010
Vice President, Paurastya Vidyāpīṭham 2011-2017
Director, Institute of Eastern Canon Law 2017-2023

Pastoral Experience

Pastoral Experience


“A Response to the Guideline on Pastoral Ministry in India”, in Eastern Legal Thought (2022) 2141-150.


  1. “Religious Institutes, Societies, Secular Institute and Pious Unions”, Homage to Mar Cariattil (ed.) Charles Payngott (Rome1987) 142-157.
  2. “The Syro-Malabar Church: hundred year’s growth at a glance”, Homage to Mar Cariattil (Rome 1987) 164-165.
  3. “Religious among the St. Thomas Christians and the Canonical Legislation on Religious of Oriental Churches”, Christian Orient 13, 1 (March 1992) 49-65.
  4. “Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church”, Syro-Malabar Church Since the Eastern Code (ed.) Francis Eluvathingal (Rome 2002) 94-109.
  5. Formation of Religious Women in the Syro-Malabar Church with Special Reference to the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (Extract of the Doctoral Dissertation) Kottayam, 2005.
  6. “Ex Officio Membership in the College of Consultors: the Mind of the Legislator” Oriental Canon Law Studies(ed) Lawrence Paruthapara OFM Cap.,(Bharananganam 2006)54-55.
  7. “The Particular laws of the Syro-Malabar Church” Oriental Canon Law Studies: A Study on the Particular Laws of the Syro Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Church  (ed) Michael Vattappalam (Bharananganam 2007) 38-50.
  8. “Evolution of the Present Canonical Legislation on the Formation of Religious Women in the Oriental Churches”, Eastern Legal Thought (ed.) Mathew Kochupurackal (Kochi 2008) 78-101.
  9. “Religious among the St. Thomas Christians, Early Evidences”, Kynanaya Light: A Festschrift in honour of Revd Dr Jacob Kollaparambil, (ed) George Karukaparambil (Bangalore 2009) 291-303.”
  10. Book Review:  Saju Augustine, Formation of Religious Priests, Bangalore 2009 in Eastern Legal Thought (2009) 202-203.
  11. “Palliyogam among the St. Thomas Christians” Mar Thoma Margam, The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians (ed.) Andrews Mekkattukunnel (Kottayam 2012) 891-899.
  12. Mar Thoma Margam, The Ecclesial Heritage of the St. Thomas Christians, Section editor (Kottayam 2012) 737-984.
  13. “The Ecclesiological Awakening of Second Vatican Council and its Impact on Syro-Malabar Church”, Festschrift in honour of Archbishop Joseph Powathil, (ed) Thomas Padiyath (Delhi 2013)187-204.
  14. “Code of Particular Laws of the Syro-Malabar Church: An appraisal”, Syro-Malabar Church 25 Years in Major Archiepiscopal Status: Growth, Renewal and Orientation,(ed) Peter Kannampuzha  (Kochi 2019) 75-87.
  15. “Objections and Resistance against Self-Governance and Rightful Jurisdiction of the Orientals in India.” Qanona 4 (2019):106-120.
  16. Regulae Iuris (Rules of Law): A Tool for the Interpretation of Penal Laws in the Codes of Canon Law.” Qanona 5 (2020):56-64, 260-278.
  17. “A Response to the Guideline on Pastoral Ministy in India”, in Eastern Legal Thought (2022) 2141-150.

Doctoral Thesis:

Formation of Religious Women in the Syro-Malabar Church with Special Reference to the Congregation of the Mother of Carmel.