Paurastya Vidyapitham
P.B. No. 01, Vadavathoor
Kottayam, 686 010
Email Id : gthekkekara@gmail.com
- Disparity of Cult Marriages and the Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church,” Eastern Legal Thought 18 (2022) 69-89.
- “The Relevance of the Spirituality of St. Charles de Foucauld today” (Malayalam), Little Sisters of Christ, Visudha Charles de Foucauld Vishudhiyude Navasakshyam, Little Sisters of Christ, Kottayam, 2022, pp. 49-62.
- “Bodies of Ecclesial Co-responsibility in the Pastoral Care,” Encounter 13:1 (January – June 2022) 46-64.
- “Hierarchical Structure in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches,” Eastern Legal Thought 19 (2023) 141-163.
- “Synodality and Collegiality in the Exercise of the Supreme Authority of the Church,” Qanona9, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2022.
- The Power of The Roman Pontiff in Relation to the Churches Sui Iuris: An Analytical Study of CCEO c. 43 With Special Reference to the Patriarchal Churches in an Ecumenical Perspective, Justitia 13/1&2 (2022).
- “Revision of Penal Norms in the Church by Pope Francis,” Encounter 15/1 (2024) 104-125.
- “The Palliyogam Procedure Rules of the Syro-Malabar Church Twenty-Five Years After,” Eastern Legal Thought 20 (2024) 53-80.
- “The primacy of the Bishop of Rome in the first millennium and the result of the Catholic-Orthodox dialogue,” in Georges Ruyssen, S.J, ed., Diritto canonico orientale: Studi sulla giustizia, primato ed evangelizzazione (Qanona 31), Rome, Pontifical Oriental Institute, 2024, pp. 19-72.
“Foreign Contribution Regulations and the Charitable Institutions in India,” an article published in the Malayalam daily Deepika, January 17, 2022.
- “Synodality and Collegiality in the Exercise of the Supreme Authority of the Church,” A paper presented for Rev Dr Joseph Koikakudy Endowment Lectures, conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, August 2022.
- “Il primato del Vescovo di Roma nel primo Millennio: Risultato del dialogo cattolico ortodosso,” A paper presented at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome (at a conference conducted by the Urbanian University and the Pontifical Oriental Institute), February 2023.
- “Roman Pontiff the Supreme Pastor,” The Living Word 119/3 (2013) 156-184.
- “Canon 43 of CCEO and Ecumenical Unity,” Eastern Legal Thought 6 (2007) 44-78.
- “The Supreme Authority of the Church,” in: John D. Faris and Jobe Abbas, eds., A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, 2 vols., Wilson&Lafleur, Chambly, Canada, 2019, pp. 171-210.
- “Exarchies and Exarchs,” in: John D. Faris and Jobe Abbas, eds., A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, 2 vols., Wilson&Lafleur, Chambly, Canada, 2019, pp. 633-648
- “Pious Wills and Pious Foundations: An Overview of the Norms in CCEO,” in: Temporal Goods of the Church, Qanona 2, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2017, pp. 55-68.
- “Norms of Civil Law Applicable in Contracts Related to Temporal Goods,” in: Temporal Goods of the Church, Qanona 2, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2017, pp. 107-143.
- “Degeneration of Family and Familial Bond Today,” in: Encounter: a Journal of Interdisciplinary Reflections of Faith and Life, 9/2 (July-December 2018) 69-82.
- ” The Agents of Clerical Formation,” in: Clerical Formation: Challenges in a Changing World, Qanona3, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2019, pp. 81-98.
- “Rights and Obligations of the Christian Faithful to Build up the Church, ” in: Eastern Legal Thought (2019) 199-238.
- “An Overview of the Vos estis lux mundi, ” in: Ephrem’s Theological Journal 23 (2019)150-174 .
- “The Supreme Authority in the Church”, in: G. Ruyssen (2 edition) A Guide to the Eastern Code – A Commentary on the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Kanonika 10, PIO, Rome, 2020, pp. 153-180.
- “Power of the Roman Pontiff in relation to Patriarchal Churches: An Ecumenical Perspective of CCEO,” in: Eastern Legal Thought 16 (2020) 39-83.
- “Church Bill 2009: The Unseen Consequences,” in: Eastern Legal Thought 16 (2020) 155-176.
- “The Restoration of the Right for Evangelization of the Syro-Malabar Church and the Future Prospects,” in Joy George Mangalathil, ed., The All India Jurisdiction of the Syro-Malabar Church, Qanona4, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2020, pp. 121-149.
- “Koronakkalathe Kudumbaviseshangal,” in Andrews Mekkattukunnel, ed., Viswasavum Jeevithavum Quaranteenil, Wigi Press, Vadavathoor, 2020, pp. 112-119.
- “The New Epoch of Information Technology: E-Commerce, E-Contracts and Consumer Protection in the Indian Context,” in Eastern Legal Thought 17 (2021) 217-246.
- “A Review of the Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics, Published by the CDF on16 July 2020,” in George Thekkekara, ed., Penal Laws in the Church, Qanona5, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2020.
- Penal Laws in the Church, George Thekkekara, ed., Qanona 5, Kottayam, OIRSI, 2020.
- “Ecclesiastical Discipline and Ecumenism” in Varghese Palathingal, ed., Prospects for Renewal in Ecumenical Ethos, Qanona8, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2021, pp. 69-108.
- “Disparity of Cult Marriages and the Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church,” Eastern Legal Thought 18 (2022) 69-89.
- “The Relevance of the Spirituality of St. Charles de Foucauld today” (Malayalam), Little Sisters of Christ, Visudha Charles de Foucauld Vishudhiyude Navasakshyam, Little Sisters of Christ, Kottayam, 2022, pp. 49-62.
- “Bodies of Ecclesial Co-responsibility in the Pastoral Care,” Encounter 13:1 (January – June 2022) 46-64.
- “Hierarchical Structure in the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches,” Eastern Legal Thought 19 (2023) 141-163.
- “Synodality and Collegiality in the Exercise of the Supreme Authority of the Church,” Qanona9, OIRSI, Kottayam, 2022.
- The Power of The Roman Pontiff in Relation to the Churches Sui Iuris: An Analytical Study of CCEO c. 43 With Special Reference to the Patriarchal Churches in an Ecumenical Perspective, Justitia 13/1&2 (2022).
- ” The Church Bill: Emerging Controversies,” An article on “The Kerala Church Act Bill 2019” in the Malayalam daily Deepika, February 21, 2019.
- “Who is the Proprietor and Owner of the Property of the Church,” An article on “The Kerala Church Act Bill 2019” in the Malayalam daily Deepika, February 22, 2019.
- “Lacking Transparency,” An article on “The Kerala Church Act Bill 2019” in the Malayalam daily Deepika, February 23, 2019.
- “The Unending Anxieties,” An article on “The Kerala Church Act Bill 2019” in the Malayalam daily Deepika, February 24, 2019.
- “Kerala Church Properties and Institutions Bill 2019,” in Fortune Voice, 3/1 (2019) 4-6.
- “You are the Light of the World,” An evaluation on the new MP, Vos estis lux mundi, in the Malayalam daily Deepika, May 16, 2019.
- “Constitution and Canon Law,” (an article based on a judgment of the High Court of Kerala (dated 29 July 2019) concerning a PIL filed against the Canon Law of Catholics to get it declared unconstitutional), Published in the Malayalam daily Deepika, August 1, 2019.
- “The Hidden Pages of the Church Bill,”: A series of five articles on ‘The Kerala Christian Church Properties and Institutions Trust Bill 2009’, published in the Malayalam daily Deepika, from December 1-5, 2019.
- “Church Bill 2009,” Article published in Satyadeepam, December 2019.
- “Church Properties and Trust Bill 2009,” Article published in Deepanalam, December 2019.
- “Church Bill 2009,” Article published in Companion 11 (2020) 16-20, 35.
- “Norms of Communicatio in Sacris in CCEO,” A paper presented at the annual conference of the Oriental Canon Law Society of India, July 2008.
- “Power of the Roman Pontiff in Relation to Patriarchal Churches: An Ecumenical Perspective of CCEO,” A paper presented at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome, May 2017.
- “Pious Wills and Pious Foundations: An Overview of the Norms in CCEO,” in: Temporal Goods of the Church, A paper presented at the Annual Conference of IECL, Vadavathoor, August 2018.
- “Degeneration of Family and Familial Bond Today,” Presented at Mary Matha Major Seminary, Thrissur, 2018
- ” The Agents of Clerical Formation,” A paper presented for the “Joseph Koikakudy Memorial Lectures,” conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, August 2019
- ” An Overview of Vos Estis Lux Mundi,” A paper presented at the annual conference of the Oriental Canon Law Society of India, July 2019.
- ” Restoration of the Right for Evangelization of the Syro-Malabar Church and the Future Prospects,” A paper presented for the “Joseph Koikakudy Memorial Lectures,” conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, August 2019.
- “Koronakkalathe Kudumbaviseshangal,” a paper presented in the webinar conducted by the Paurastya Vidyapitham, June 2020.
- “A Review of the Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics, published by the CDF on16 July 2020,” A paper presented for Rev Dr Joseph Koikakudy Endowment Lectures, conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, December 2020.
- “Ecclesiastical Discipline and Ecumenism,” A paper presented for Rev Dr Joseph Koikakudy Endowment Lectures, conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, October 2021.
- “Synodality and Collegiality in the Exercise of the Supreme Authority of the Church,” A paper presented for Rev Dr Joseph Koikakudy Endowment Lectures, conducted by IECL, Paurastya Vidyapitham, August 2022.
- “Il primato del Vescovo di Roma nel primo Millennio: Risultato del dialogo cattolico ortodosso,” A paper presented at the Pontifical Oriental Institute, Rome (at a conference conducted by the Urbanian University and the Pontifical Oriental Institute), February 2023.
The power of the Roman Pontiff in Relation to the Churches Sui Iuris: An Analytical Study of CCEO c. 43 with special reference to Patriarchal Churches in an Ecumenical Perspective.