Program :

Baccalaureate in Theology

Semester :


Credits :


Teacher :

Rev. Fr. Thomas Vadakkel


This course on the second volume of Luke aims at familiarising the students with the life of the early Church. This course includes the discussion on the book of the Acts of the Apostles as the fulfilment of Acts 1.8; ecclesiology of the Acts; Pentecost; apostolic kerygma; life style of the early Christian community; role of St Peter in the early Church; council of Jerusalem; St Paul, the apostle of the gentiles; his missionary journeys.


  1. Haenchen. E.. The Acts of the Apostles. A Commentary (Philadelphia- Oxford 1971).
  2. Fitzmyer. J. A.. The Acts of the Apostles (New York 1998).
  3. John Chrysostom. Homiliae in Actus. PG51.65-112