OSS 808 History of Christianity in India

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim In the very first century of the Christian era Christianity reached India due to St. Thomas. From the 5th century Indian Church fostered contact with the Church of the East.. In the 16 century due to the Portuguese. Latin rite is introduced in India. Passing through various phases the Indian Christianity today remains a complex one with different rites, different Churches and different regional differences. The complex nature of India with different cultures, languages, religions and other socio-political and economic factors gives Indian Christianity a very different history. The scope of this course is to know how Christianity stood the tide of…

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OSS 807 General Church History: Modern and Contemporary

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim With the renaissance in the 15th century the modem period in history begins. The Church too had a different shape from that time. Reformation and the missionary enterprises resulted in the break-up of the western Christian world. The Church became world-wide in the industrial age. Beginning from the French revolution there was the separation of the Church from the state. Religious indifferentism and consumerism are the contemporary trends. To have an idea of the global Catholic Church and the role and meaning of the Church in the modem world is the aim of this course. References Jedin. Hubert, ed. History of the…

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OSS 806 General Church History:  Ancient and Medieval

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim The basics of Church History such as the subject matter of history, the relevance, the divisions, historical method and the subsidiary sciences to study the history etc. are dealt with first as Introduction to the subject. The scope of this course is to understand the Church in the Ancient and Medieval periods, i.e. from the birth of Christ till the decline of Feudalism. The birth of Christianity in the Jewish soil and its formation in the GraecoRoman and in other worlds of that time is the subject matter of Church History in the Ancient Period. The Christianization of Europe and the development…

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