This course will convince the students of the vital role and theological relevance of the ten Commandments in our day to day moral life, especially of the first three commandments. It will enlighten the students to appreciate the beauty of the virtue of religion and joy of our faith in the One True God. The course will also highlight the different aberrations, seen in the realm of faith, related to the first three commandments. This course will start with a general understanding of the 10 Commandments, especially of the prime commandments. Then the first three commandments will be analysed in a detailed way. The course will come to an end. referring to the fourth comma
- Bohr. D.. Catholic Moral Tradition (Huntington. 1999).
- Häring. B ..Free and Faithful in Christ. Vol. II (Sydney. 1980).
- KCBC Circular (2012) and Syro Malbar Synodal Circular (2010) on Faith Questions.
- Peschke. K. H.. Christian Ethics: Moral Theology in the Light of Vatican II. Vol. II (Alcester. 1997).
- Valavanonickal. K.. Aphrahat, Demonstration on Faith I (HIRS Changannacheny. 1999). 21-34.
- Rahner. K.. “Why and How Can We Venerate the Saints” in his Theological Investigations?, (London. 1971). 3-29.
- Sullivan. Patricia. “A Reinterpretation of Invocation and Intercession of the Saints”. Theological Studies (June 2005). 381-400.