OLR 404 Canonical Latin

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : Second Cycle Credits : 12 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese/ KADUPPIL Joseph/ MANGALATHIL George Contents  Latin translation of the Sacred Canons. Select texts from councils of the Latin Church. Select canons from CIC 1917 and CIC 1983 and CCEO. Select texts from Nuntia, Communicatines, Acta Apostolicae Sedis and Decisiones S. Romanae Rotae. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OS 608 Case Study on the grounds of nullity of Marriage

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : Second Cycle Credits : 3 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese Contents Grounds which make a marriage null and void, as they are present in the CCEO canons; the possible grounds that can be used in a marriage case before the tribunal: insufficient reason, grave lack of discretion of judgment, incapacity to assume the essential obligations of marriage, error of person, error about the quality of a person, fraud or deceit, simulation (total and partial), conditional marriage, force or fear, etc. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OLR 403 Canonical Latin

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : First Cycle Credits : 12 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese, KADUPPIL Roy Contents Simple Latin sentences. Complex and compound Latin sentences. Ablative absolute. Select Latin texts from the Gospels and Psalms. Classical Latin and Medieval Latin. Select texts from ancient Christian writers. Select canons from CCEO. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OAS 306 History of the Sources of Eastern Canon Law

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1 Credits : 3 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese Contents The importance of the study of the Sources. The concept of canonical sources. The classification of the Sources. The relation between the history of canon law and other disciplines of history. Review of the sources of the following ecclesiastical traditions: Alexandrian, Antiochian, Armenian, Chaldean and Constantinopolitan. Apostolic Constitutions, Diadache, Didascalia Apostolorum, early ecumenical councils, Council in Trullo, Synodicon Orientale, nomocanons, canons of the Fathers. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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PS 201 General Norms I and II (Titles XIX, XX, XXI, XXIX, XXX)

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1, S2 Credits : 6 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese Contents The ecclesiastical laws; customs; administrative acts; prescription and computation of time; recourse against administrative acts; persons and juridical acts; offices and power of governance (Titles, XXII, XXIX, XXX). Nature of the ecclesiastical laws. The procedure in issuing extrajudicial decrees, the execution of administrative acts, the rescripts, privileges, dispensation, prescription and computation of time; persons and juridical acts; offices; the power of governance Aim: Study the general norms applicable to the whole code, which are necessary to understand and interpret the canons of the CCEO. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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CLS 710 General Norms

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S1 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Palathinkal V. Aim The aim of this course is to give a general introduction to the general norms of canon law. This course discusses the following themes: Introduction to Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, ecclesiastical laws, customs, administrative acts, procedure for issuing extra judicial decrees, execution of administrative acts, rescripts, privileges, dispensation (Title xxix. cc 1488-1539). Prescription, computation of time.(Title xxx cc 1540-1546). Physical persons, juridic persons, juridic acts (Title xix cc 909- 935). Ecclesiastical offices, canonical provision of offices, election, postulation, loss of office, resignation, removal (Title xx cc 936-978). The power of governance (Title xxi cc 979-995). Recourse against administrative decrees…

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