PS 201 General Norms I and II (Titles XIX, XX, XXI, XXIX, XXX)

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1, S2 Credits : 6 Teacher : PALATHINGAL Varghese Contents The ecclesiastical laws; customs; administrative acts; prescription and computation of time; recourse against administrative acts; persons and juridical acts; offices and power of governance (Titles, XXII, XXIX, XXX). Nature of the ecclesiastical laws. The procedure in issuing extrajudicial decrees, the execution of administrative acts, the rescripts, privileges, dispensation, prescription and computation of time; persons and juridical acts; offices; the power of governance Aim: Study the general norms applicable to the whole code, which are necessary to understand and interpret the canons of the CCEO. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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OAS 301 Canon Law in the Life of the Church

Program : Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Semester : S1 Credits : 3 Teacher : KADUPPIL Roy Joseph Contents Sacred Scripture and Law; basic notions and principles in Canon Law; development of Canon Law from the early centuries; canons of the ancient and modern councils: an overview. Faculty of Theology Institute of Philosophy Institute of Eastern Canon Law Courses Programs

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STS 607 Triune God

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochuparambil V. Aim The aim of the course is to introduce the student of theology to the Christian understanding of the mystery of triune God and help him to know, love and experience the mystery of trinitarian love. The course projects the limitations of human intellect and words and focuses attention on prayer or worship as the primary locus of understanding God. The course, then.discusses the data of revelation from scripture and tradition to offer a genuine understanding of the Trinitarian faith and Trinitarian doctrine of the Church. References Bobrinskoy B.. The Mystery of the Trinity (New York. 1999). Lossky. V.. The Mystical Theology of…

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OSS 807 General Church History: Modern and Contemporary

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim With the renaissance in the 15th century the modem period in history begins. The Church too had a different shape from that time. Reformation and the missionary enterprises resulted in the break-up of the western Christian world. The Church became world-wide in the industrial age. Beginning from the French revolution there was the separation of the Church from the state. Religious indifferentism and consumerism are the contemporary trends. To have an idea of the global Catholic Church and the role and meaning of the Church in the modem world is the aim of this course. References Jedin. Hubert, ed. History of the…

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OSS 806 General Church History:  Ancient and Medieval

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S2 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Kochadampallil M. Aim The basics of Church History such as the subject matter of history, the relevance, the divisions, historical method and the subsidiary sciences to study the history etc. are dealt with first as Introduction to the subject. The scope of this course is to understand the Church in the Ancient and Medieval periods, i.e. from the birth of Christ till the decline of Feudalism. The birth of Christianity in the Jewish soil and its formation in the GraecoRoman and in other worlds of that time is the subject matter of Church History in the Ancient Period. The Christianization of Europe and the development…

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OSS 805 Syro-Malabar Holy Orders

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Maniyattu P. Aim This course is an introductory study on the holy orders in general and the order of priesthood in particular. The course deals with the common concepts of priesthood, the concept of nine Orders, the concepts of Ordination and Syameeda. basic Orders and ranks, permanence of Orders, ordained and instituted ministries, ministerial and common priesthood. East Syrian liturgy of priestly ordination. Syro-Malabar liturgy of Priestly Ordination. Diaconal ordination and the characteristics of the ministry of deacon. This course also deals with the theology of priesthood based on the East Syrian and Syro-Malabar liturgies of Syameeda. References Badger. G. P. The Nestorians and their…

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OSS 804 Syro-Malabar Matrimony

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Maniyattu P. Aim This course deals with the East Syrian concept of sacraments as ‘raze’; Sacraments are seen as the work of God. The first part of the studyon the marriage is on the East Syrian rite of marriage. The rites preceding the betrothal, the celebration of betrothal, the celebration of the wedding and the rites subsequent to the celebration of marriage are analyzed in this part. The second part deals with the specific elements in the Syro-Malabar Taksa of marriage. The course also gives a summary of the East Syrian theology of marriage References Fahey. M. A.. “Sacraments in the Eastern Churches”, in P.E.…

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OSS 803 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: Theology

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S4 Credits : 3 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Maniyattu P. Aim The important contents of this course are the following: Old Testament Phase of the History of Salvation in Qurbana; Liturgy of Word as the commemoration of the paschal mystery of Christ; Different levels of proclamation in the Liturgy of Word; “Accessus ad Altäre” as the celebration of entry into heaven; Theology of the Qudasa of Addai and Mari: Qudasa as commemoration of the Raza; Different levels of the Commemoration of paschal mystery in SM Qurbana; Qudasa as Qurbana; Eucharstic Qudasa as Qudasa of God and Qudasa of assembly; East Syrian Qurbana as celebration of the vertical and horizontal communion. References Commentaries on…

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OSS 802 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: History and Structure

Program : Baccalaureate in Theology Semester : S3 Credits : 4.5 Teacher : Rev. Fr. Maniyattu P. Aim This course has two important parts. The first part deals with the history of the Qurbana of St. Thomas Christians before and after PortuguesePeriod and also with the restoration of Syro-Malabar Qurbana. The second part of the course consists of the study of the structure of the Qurbana. It deals also with the liturgical space in the East Syrian Tradition and the liturgical details of the seven important parts of SM Qurbana. References Vcllian. J.. Qurbana Oru Padanam. (Mal.) OIRSI. Kottayam 1980. Mannooramparampil. T., Syro-Malabar Qurbanayude Charitra Paschattalam (Mai.). OIRSI. Kottayam 1986. Mannooramparampil. T. Syro-Malabar Qurbana OruPadanam (Mai.). 2 Vols.. OIRSI. Kottayam…

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