AllB. ThB. PhL. Th ALS 051 Biblical Hebrew Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 052 Biblical Greek Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 053 East Syriac Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 054 Latin Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ATS 709 Archaeology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 710 General Norms Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 711 Hierarchy Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 712 Sacrament of Marriage Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 713 Religious Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 714 Clerics, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Temporal Goods, Penal Laws Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 701 Fundamental Moral Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 702 Justice and Truthfulness Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 703 Sacrament of Reconciliation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 704 Theology of Sexuality Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 705 Theology of Marriage and Family Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 706 Theological Ethics (Prime Commandments) Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 707 Catholic Bio Ethics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OAS 194 Philosophy of Informatics Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 301 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 302 Scientific Phenomenology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 303 Eco-Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 304 Renaissance Philosophy of Kerala Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Indian Aesthetics) CourseProgram- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Western Aesthetics) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 306 Philosophy of Culture Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 307 General Psychology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 308 Abnormal Psychology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 309 Gospel Values Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 310 Gandhian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 311 Marxism Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 101 Introduction to Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 102 Study of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 103 Logic: Deduction Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 104 Logic: Induction Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 105 Symbolic Logic Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 106 Epistemology (Philosophy of Knowledge) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 107 Metaphysics Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 108 Theodicy (Philosophy of God) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 109 Philosophy of Religion Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 110 Philosophy of Human Person Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 111 Ethics (Moral Philosophy) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 112 Political Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 113 A Philosophy of (Scientific) Cosmology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 113 A Philosophy of Nature Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 114 History of Ancient Greek Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 115 History of Medieval Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 116 History of Modern Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 117 History of Contemporary Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 118 Modern Trends in Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 119 Introduction to Indian Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 120 History of Indian Philosophy (Heterodox) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 121 Systems of Indian Philosophy (Orthodox) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 122 Modern Indian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 123 Contemporary Indian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 851 Hermeneutics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 852 Homiletics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 853 Islamology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 854 Theology of Women Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 855 Theology of Missions Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 856 Theological Anthropology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 857 Catechesis Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 859 Theological Methodology for India Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 860 Social Teachings Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 861 Media Ethics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 862 Eco Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 863 Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 864 Sacraments in General Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 865 Liturgical Year Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 866 Liturgy of the Hours Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 867 Liturgical Music Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 868 Iconography Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 801 Sacraments of Initiation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 802 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: History and Structure Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 803 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 804 Syro-Malabar Matrimony Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 805 Syro-Malabar Holy Orders Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 806 General Church History: Ancient and Medieval Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 807 General Church History: Modern and Contemporary Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 808 History of Christianity in India Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 809 Patrology: Introduction and Greek Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 810 Patrology: Latin Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 811 Patrology: Syriac Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in TheologyUncategorized PTS 708 Pastoral Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology Sacraments Except Marriage Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SOS 201 Scientific Methodology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy SSS 501 Introduction to Sacred Scripture and Exegesis Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 502 Pentateuch Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 503 Historical Books Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 504 Major and Minor Prophetic Literature Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 505 Wisdom Books Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 506 Book of Psalms Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 507 Introduction to Synoptics and the Gospel of Mark Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 508 Gospel of Mathew Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 510 Johannine Gospel and Epistles Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 511 Acts of the Apostles and Introduction to Pauline Letters Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 512 Major & Minor Letters of St. Paul Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 513 Book of Hebrews Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 514 Catholic Epistles Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 515 Book of Revelation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 601 Ecumenism Program-Baccalaureate in TheologyLoad More ALS 051 Biblical Hebrew Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 052 Biblical Greek Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 053 East Syriac Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ALS 054 Latin Program-Baccalaureate in Theology ATS 709 Archaeology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 710 General Norms Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 711 Hierarchy Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 712 Sacrament of Marriage Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 713 Religious Program-Baccalaureate in Theology CLS 714 Clerics, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Temporal Goods, Penal Laws Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 701 Fundamental Moral Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 702 Justice and Truthfulness Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 703 Sacrament of Reconciliation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 704 Theology of Sexuality Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 705 Theology of Marriage and Family Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 706 Theological Ethics (Prime Commandments) Program-Baccalaureate in Theology MTS 707 Catholic Bio Ethics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 851 Hermeneutics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 852 Homiletics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 853 Islamology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 854 Theology of Women Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 855 Theology of Missions Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 856 Theological Anthropology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 857 Catechesis Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 859 Theological Methodology for India Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 860 Social Teachings Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 861 Media Ethics Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 862 Eco Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 863 Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 864 Sacraments in General Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 865 Liturgical Year Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 866 Liturgy of the Hours Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 867 Liturgical Music Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OBS 868 Iconography Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 801 Sacraments of Initiation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 802 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: History and Structure Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 803 Syro-Malabar Qurbana: Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 804 Syro-Malabar Matrimony Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 805 Syro-Malabar Holy Orders Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 806 General Church History: Ancient and Medieval Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 807 General Church History: Modern and Contemporary Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 808 History of Christianity in India Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 809 Patrology: Introduction and Greek Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 810 Patrology: Latin Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OSS 811 Patrology: Syriac Fathers Program-Baccalaureate in TheologyUncategorized PTS 708 Pastoral Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology Sacraments Except Marriage Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 501 Introduction to Sacred Scripture and Exegesis Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 502 Pentateuch Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 503 Historical Books Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 504 Major and Minor Prophetic Literature Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 505 Wisdom Books Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 506 Book of Psalms Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 507 Introduction to Synoptics and the Gospel of Mark Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 508 Gospel of Mathew Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 510 Johannine Gospel and Epistles Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 511 Acts of the Apostles and Introduction to Pauline Letters Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 512 Major & Minor Letters of St. Paul Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 513 Book of Hebrews Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 514 Catholic Epistles Program-Baccalaureate in Theology SSS 515 Book of Revelation Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 601 Ecumenism Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 602 Non-Christian Religions Program-Baccalaureate in TheologyUncategorized STS 603 Atheism Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 604 Other Currents of Contemporary Culture Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 605 Revelation & Faith Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 606 Introduction to Theology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 607 Triune God Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 608 Christology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 609 Eucharist Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 610 Grace and Pneumatology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 611 Mariology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 612 Ecclesiology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology STS 613 Eschatology Program-Baccalaureate in Theology OAS 194 Philosophy of Informatics Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 301 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 302 Scientific Phenomenology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 303 Eco-Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 304 Renaissance Philosophy of Kerala Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Indian Aesthetics) CourseProgram- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 305 Philosophy of Arts (Western Aesthetics) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 306 Philosophy of Culture Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 307 General Psychology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 308 Abnormal Psychology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 309 Gospel Values Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 310 Gandhian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OAS 311 Marxism Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 101 Introduction to Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 102 Study of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 103 Logic: Deduction Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 104 Logic: Induction Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 105 Symbolic Logic Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 106 Epistemology (Philosophy of Knowledge) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 107 Metaphysics Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 108 Theodicy (Philosophy of God) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 109 Philosophy of Religion Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 110 Philosophy of Human Person Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 111 Ethics (Moral Philosophy) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 112 Political Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 113 A Philosophy of (Scientific) Cosmology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 113 A Philosophy of Nature Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 114 History of Ancient Greek Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 115 History of Medieval Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 116 History of Modern Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 117 History of Contemporary Western Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 118 Modern Trends in Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 119 Introduction to Indian Philosophy Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 120 History of Indian Philosophy (Heterodox) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 121 Systems of Indian Philosophy (Orthodox) Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 122 Modern Indian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy OBS 123 Contemporary Indian Thought Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy SOS 201 Scientific Methodology Program- Baccalaureate in Philosophy Eastern Canon LawGeneral Eastern TheologyBiblical TheolgySyriac Theolgy Application of Civil Law in Canon Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law Canon Law Religious Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 301 Canon Law in the Life of the Church Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 302 Introduction of Indian Civil Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 303 Juridical Methodology Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 304 Methodology of the Archival Research Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 305 Hierarchical Institutions in Oriental Canon Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 306 History of the Sources of Eastern Canon Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 307 Introduction to the Constitution of India Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 308 Sacred Canons of the First Millennium Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 309 Introduction to Roman Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 310 Introduction to CIC Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 311 Theology of Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 312 Canonical Sources of the Syro-Malabar Church Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon LawUncategorized OAS 313 Indian Procedural Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 314 Philosophy of Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 315 The Role of Tribunal Officials Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 316 Code of Particular of the Syro-Malabar Church Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 317 History of Codification of CCEO Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OAS 319 Sources of the Syro-Chaldean Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OLR 401 Basic Latin Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OLR 402 Syriac Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OLR 403 Canonical Latin Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OLR 404 Canonical Latin Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 601 Italian/Sanskrit Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 602 Personal Laws in India Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 603 Introduction in Ancient Legal Systems in India Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 604 Islamic Law Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 605 Canon Law of the Eastern Non-Catholic Churches in India Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 606 Canonical Sources of the Syro-Malankara Church Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law OS 608 Case Study on the grounds of nullity of Marriage Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 201 General Norms I and II (Titles XIX, XX, XXI, XXIX, XXX) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 202 Recourse Against Administrative Decrees (Title XXII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 203 Sacred Hierarchy I (Titles III, IV, V, VI) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 204 Preliminary Canons, Sui Iuris Churches and Rites (Title II) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 205 Christian Faithful, their Rights and Obligations (Title I) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 206 Trials in General (Title XXIV) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 207 Contentious Trial (Title XXV) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 208 Evangelization of People, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Baptized non-Catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church and Ecumenism (Titles XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 209 Sacred Hierarchy III (The Roman Curia) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 210 Sacred Hierarchy II (Titles VII, VIII, IX) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 211 Sacraments except Marriage (Title XVI) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 212 Clerics, Laity and Associations of Christian Faithful (Titles X, XI, XIII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 213 Certain Special Processes (Title XXVI) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 215 Penal Laws (Titles XXVII, XXVIII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law PS 217 Sacrament of Marriage Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law No Posts Found No Posts Found No Posts Found Admission Academic Arrangements Faculty of Theology Institute of Eastern Canon Law Institute of Philosophy Prospectus
CLS 714 Clerics, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Temporal Goods, Penal Laws Program-Baccalaureate in Theology
CLS 714 Clerics, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Temporal Goods, Penal Laws Program-Baccalaureate in Theology
OAS 312 Canonical Sources of the Syro-Malabar Church Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon LawUncategorized
OS 605 Canon Law of the Eastern Non-Catholic Churches in India Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law
PS 201 General Norms I and II (Titles XIX, XX, XXI, XXIX, XXX) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law
PS 204 Preliminary Canons, Sui Iuris Churches and Rites (Title II) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law
PS 205 Christian Faithful, their Rights and Obligations (Title I) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law
PS 208 Evangelization of People, Ecclesiastical Magisterium, Baptized non-Catholics coming into full communion with the Catholic Church and Ecumenism (Titles XIV, XV, XVII, XVIII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law
PS 212 Clerics, Laity and Associations of Christian Faithful (Titles X, XI, XIII) Program- Licentiate in Eastern Canon Law